Webinars are the enablers of today’s business interactions globally. As the world awaits to get themselves the vaccine shots, webinars are still on the run in keeping the employees together, their functionalities in sync, and enable organizations to run their operations smoothly.
But webinars can be major downfalls if you have ever attended incorrect webinars that make you feel more exhausted. Have you attended any webinars where speakers are too much into talking about their personal journeys? Have you attended any webinars where the time limits were just not adhered to? Or have you attended any webinars that had very little knowledgeable insights to take?
While all the above factors force attendees to avoid attending webinars, we have also noticed many presenters missing out to prepare for their upcoming webinars. If you are an event organizer and are looking to avoid making such mistakes, then our blog is for you.
This tiny piece of write-up holds very important information about the webinar structure and the mistakes to avoid.
So read along.
Define your goal
Goal definition is the most important step before you even plan for the webinar. Defining goals helps you in identifying the points that you may be focussed on talking. Also, setting goals helps you identify your target audience, the event flow, and time management as per the topics.
Suppose your upcoming event is to highlight a technology product in the market, so understanding if your audience are technology enthusiasts or not will help you to set your goals better.
Suppose you are conducting a webinar on an insightful marketing topic. Understanding if your audience is from a marketing background will help you to lay down the goal of the event better.
Choose the topic and title
The first thing that attendees see before registering for an event is the title and the topic. The subject of the event description must be witty, explanatory, and eye-catchy. Now you can’t have unparalleled paragraphs in your subject than the title. Make sure that the subject explains the title and intrigues readers to take an action forward.
Avoid jargons and avoid using multiple sentences to define statements that can be explained in just a line.
Deciding on the event format
Every virtual event that you see happening online are mostly presentations. Here a speaker presents information through slides and explains to the attendees about the matter. Post the presentation, the speaker asks the attendees for doubts and questions. And this is majorly a regular form of webinars.
But you must avoid doing it that way!
Every webinar doesn’t need you to present a slide and explain for the next two or three hours. Your event can be as exciting as possible, your event can be as engaging as possible. If you are looking to conduct a kickass event, then avoid following the monotony.
Engage with your attendees by asking Q&A while you are explaining a minor topic. Conduct live polls, engage with them using the event mobile application for different updates, send push notifications about the upcoming speaker and content.
Well, if you are confused about how you can do all of the above listed techniques together, then get yourself a good event management platform.
You are free to conduct webinars as you like, just keep the dignity upright. As attendees might already have attended many events over the past during the lockdowns, they are probably looking for something exciting that has a different format than just presentations!
Have your event flow in place
Laying down the event flow is important. You may be conducting events using slides, but keep your slide flow ready. What is the slide that needs to be started at first, what follows next, what happens after the slides are over?
Similarly, if you are conducting events where you have keynote speakers, then have their content flow designed already. If it is a Q&A session, have your questions and answers already listed.
Without a content plan, your event might unnecessarily stretch out of the designated time, thus losing your attendees’ interests. Also, with a solid content plan in place, half the battle is won!
Have your content ready
Now that you have your content plan in place, the next important step is to have them ready long before your event date. Why? Because you will always have enough windows to make changes to your content, modify them, or create a new one for that matter!
Pro tip: Create more slides than already ideated.
Attendees tend to lose interest very quickly, so have multiple slides in place rather than a speech of fifteen minutes for just one slide. This way your attendees would be in sync with your speech and take insights.
Don’t forget the script
Events are usually two or three hours long and it is not possible to have your content said without a proper script. We know that memorizing a script is tiresome, but to keep with the dignity of the event and attendees’ interest, you must write a script.
Avoid making mistakes when you are practicing your script because you will not have your second chance in front of the screen.
The script should be in tandem with the slides, and practice till you get the sync right!
Do a dry run
Any event irrespective of its content format, its length, its speakers, must go through a dry run before the actual act.
Your mock version of the webinar must include all important aspects, technicians, experts, slides, and everything that would happen online in front of the screens. Don’t think that a tiny task will be done at the time of the event. The more you practice along with your team, the more they fit into the flow, and the more they get accustomed to the event structure.
Also mock versions help you learn the script and get you in action!
Key takeaways
Guaranteeing to host a fool-proof webinar is not possible, but if you dedicate your time in creating the flow and practicing before the event, you can be sure to conduct an exciting online event.
The above steps is a layout of what needs to be done before your big day, and if you think you can take one or more steps frivolously, then you are risking your webinar!