We all know that, for a letter to reach its recipient, it must have the exact address: street, number, city, postal code, and country. This is the only way the postal staff will know where to send it bot IP checker. The same thing happens on the Internet: each device within an internal or external network needs a specific “port number” to be able to communicate with other devices and receive data packets from them. This IP address, however, looks very different from that of postal mail. Read the entire article for knowing more about an IP address;
IP address definition
Internet Protocol Address, or hide my IP address, or simply meu ip, is based on the Internet Protocol and is also the basis of Internet functionality. A unique address for devices (computers, web servers, printers, etc.) on the internal or external network. The IP address can also refer to a set of devices, as in the case of broadcast or multicast. Similarly, you can assign multiple IP addresses to a computer.
What does an IP address consist of?
Commonly there are two types of IP addresses with a few aspects. What they have in common is that they consist of a so-called network identifier (to find a way in IP routing) and a device identifier (to reach a specific device).
Current IPv4 addresses
They are made up of 32 bits, so from a technical point of view, they are a 32-digit binary code, such as 11000000 10101000 10110010 00011111. To deal with this monstrous number, it is usually represented as a combination of four decimal numbers with values between 0 and 255 separated by dots. In that format, our example would look like this:
With IPv4 a total of about 43 billion different addresses can be represented. These are far fewer addresses than there are devices in the world (and many of them are reserved for special uses) but since they are never needed all at once, and since some are only used on private networks, they have so far been more than enough.
Future IPv6 addresses
But not only because of the Internet of Things, but this situation will soon change as well. As more and more devices connect to the internet and many require IP addresses, IPv4’s ability to assign addresses is a bit lacking. For this reason, IPv6 was introduced as a direct successor capable of generating approximately 340.6 billion (0 37) addresses. Addresses in this version are made up of 128 bits, so they should be written as a 128-digit binary code. Such a figure would be too long and impractical, so a hexadecimal script is used that separates the 128 bits into 8 blocks of 16 bits separated by colons. This gives, for example, the IPv6 address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c0a8:b21f, in which the letters “a” to “f” also refer to hexadecimal numbers. By omitting the leading zeros of each block and substituting a colon (::) for a series of consecutive 0000-type blocks, we can simplify this format even further. In our case, then, the simplified form ::ffff:c0a8:b21f results .
Network and device identifier in IP addresses
If we want to send a letter, it is not enough to write the city and country of the recipient. For an address to be complete, we also need the street, the house number, and maybe even the floor. The same goes for data transmission: for a data packet to get to the right place, the IP address must not only refer to the network in question, but also to the end device (the host) within that network.
For this reason, each IPv4 address is divided, by means of a so-called network mask, into a network identifier and a device identifier. In the case of IPv6, on the other hand, the address is divided according to the length of the prefix: the first 64 bits form the so-called prefix (network address), and the last ones, the interface identifier (host address).
What is the IP address for?
An IP address (IP address) is used to uniquely identify and locate a device on an internal or external network. Therefore, it is the basis for the transmission of information from the sender to the correct recipient. If a device wants to send a data packet, the corresponding router is guided by the so-called IP header and compares the source IP with the destination IP. If the network identifiers match, then the sender and recipient are on the same network, so the packet is delivered directly.
If not, the router (the internet post office) contacts the domain name system (DNS), accessible worldwide. This system is responsible for the resolution of names on the Internet, that is, the conversion of device names into meuip addresses and vice versa. Thus, the DNS returns with the request of a web page the IP that corresponds to the URL. For example, starting with the domain www.example.com gives us the IPv4 address or the IPv6 address 2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946. The data packet is then transmitted through various routers, networks, and subnets to the recipient’s router.
Who assigns the IP addresses?
The supreme authority in assigning IP addresses is the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) which, in turn, is a department of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). For further details visit our recommended site which is mentioned in highlighted link. Simply click on that link and visit our site.