In your quest for a board-certified cosmetic dentist, you may have come across hundreds of websites directing you to one. While everyone might claim they are qualified for the job, it is not easy to come up with the right choice based on their profile alone. To ensure you do not gamble with your dental health, you can ask for your loved ones or your dentist’s recommendations. If you need neuromuscular dentistry and are based in The Woodlands and its environs, Scott Young DDS, and his team will be ready to serve you.
Here is all there is to know about neuromuscular dentistry:
What Does Neuromuscular Dentistry Entail?
Under normal circumstances, your mouth functions depend on the even distribution of bite pressure. When your teeth or jaw are misaligned, the tissues on your neck, head, and shoulders can get affected. It leads to temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). These two conditions can affect areas around your face, such as your chin, cheeks, ears, and eyes. That is where neuromuscular dentistry comes in handy. The dentistry practice seeks to realign your jaw function, reducing the TMJ symptoms.
How to Know You Need Neuromuscular Dentistry Services
See a neuromuscular dentist if you experience the following symptoms:
- Your bite is not as strong as before or causes facial discomfort.
- You have headaches around your jaws and eyes.
- Your jaws produce clicking or popping sounds when eating food or yawning.
- You feel pain around your cheeks and jaw area.
- Your jaws feel locked.
When you have one or more of these symptoms, see a neuromuscular dentist immediately. The first thing your dentist does is conduct physical exams and ask you questions regarding your symptoms. Your exam also involves assessing the relationship between your bite and jaw reaction to determine if the head and neck muscles are also affected. How you respond during your exam determines what type of treatment plan your dentist has designed for you.
Treatment options for TMD include:
- Lifestyle changes- Your dentist provides personal care tips to help you avoid misusing your jaws and teeth.
- Cosmetic dentistry- Involves correcting missing or damaged teeth using dental implants or dental bridges.
- Electrical nerve stimulation- a dentist applies small electrical pulses to your jaw muscles to trigger nerves around your jaw. The procedure relaxes your jaw muscles and allows them to align.
- Orthodontics- The procedure involves placing splints, orthotics, or night guards on your upper and lower teeth to prevent them from touching each other. It reduces the impacts of clenching and grinding, realigning your teeth in the correct position.
Schedule a Visit
Getting neuromuscular dentistry services can be beneficial, particularly if you sense discomfort in your jaws when performing mouth functions. Your dentist understands how TMD develops, and they have the best treatment plan for each unique case. The next time you experience any of these symptoms, see a dentist immediately. To find out if you qualify for TMD treatment, schedule a visit to your dentist today.