
Tips To Grow Your Social Media Audience with Celebian

Want to grow your social media audience – then check out this article from Celebian

1. Leverage Hashtags More Often

Hashtags are either overused or underused. If you aren’t using hashtags, you are missing out. Adding a single hashtag to your posts can help to boost engagement. It’s been shown that it can boost engagement by as much as 12.6%. According to a recent study, the sweet spot of the total number of hashtags to include in your Instagram posts is between 11-30. Instagram maxes you out at 30 hashtags.

A good way to include some hashtags in your posts without necessarily “spamming” them is by adding them to your comment section. This can keep them less visible, but it can help optimize your post. If you want to make your hashtags invisible, add (5) periods after your hashtags on their respective individual lines. If you post it as your initial comment, it would show up as this (…) to any follower.

Having your own branded hashtag is a good way to build a brand and community. It’s a good way to get your followers engaging with your content and it can make your content more visible too.

2. Opt For Portrait

It’s a good idea to post portrait photos rather than landscape. This is a good way to get noticed because it appears larger in a user’s feed. This can draw more eyes toward your posts which will naturally drive more engagement. A landscape image on a feed is only going to take up around 50% of the space that a portrait post would. Because of this, you want to opt for a portrait whenever possible. You want more eyes on your posts and having larger posts is a good way to go about it.

3. Time Your Posts

A big thing that a lot of Instagram users fail to do is time their posts properly. Don’t just post when you feel like it. You need to figure out the best time to post your content. There is a certain time when you will drive more engagement. Your job is to figure out what time that is. The best way to do this is by checking your stats. You want to see where most of your users are located. This can help you figure out the ideal time to post most of your content. If you have more followers on the East Coast, you don’t want to be posting when they are sleeping. Likewise, if you have the majority of your followers on the West Coast, you don’t want to pot too early in the morning when they are still in bed.

Usually, you want to time your posts to hit around lunchtime. This would be anywhere from 11 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon. If you are scheduling posts for the evening, stick to 7 to around 9 at night. There have been numerous studies that have pointed at Sundays as having the least engagement. However, that doesn’t necessarily hold for every content creator. It depends on your audience. Because of this, you need to test it yourself. Do some A/B testing to ensure that you are hitting the right time to post for maximum engagement.

4. Use Geotags On Your Posts

You need to be using geotags on your posts. There was a study conducted by Simple Measured that found that a post that contains location data ended up getting as much as 79% more engagement. There are ways to use geotags strategically in your posts by tagging your respective location in an area where a lot of your prospects might see it.

For instance, if you create content around the fitness niche, you might want to tag your posts at a local gym. Whereas, if you sell courses on yoga, you might want to tag a nearby yoga center. There are plenty of ways to leverage geotags to get your posts in front of interested users.

5. Leverage Partnerships

If you are on Instagram and you are creating content, you are likely an influencer. Whether big or small, it shouldn’t stop you from reaching out to other people doing similar things in your niche. Find out more about LEO online trading voucher Ireland to see if this could work for you.

There’s plenty of room to partner with other influencers in the space. This can be a  great way to increase your following and boost your sales. A lot of the prospects out there would have less buying resistance if you can gain their trust. A good way to do this is by leveraging their trust in other influencers. This can make it easier for them to perceive you as trustworthy.

A good way to partner with an influencer is by giving them some kind of incentive. For instance, provide them with a promo code for your online course that they can give to their audience. This helps them provide more value to their audience and it gets more eyes on your product.

6. Photos With Faces

While you always want to be showcasing a lot of your products on your page, you also want to ensure that you are including faces whenever possible. A photo with a face is likely to reach a lot more users. It’s been shown that photos with faces have received as many as 38% more likes than photos that don’t have one.

You will notice this on our page (Kajabi). We post a lot of lifestyle content that contains both our products and faces with it. If you sell an online course, you can show it in the shot, but with people in the photo. This can help you gain more visibility with your posts and a strong Call To Action included.

7. Make It Public

You need to ensure that your Instagram is made public. While it’s a matter of preference, you will gain more visibility by doing so. A prospective follower isn’t going to follow you without being able to see your existing content. You could consider making your page private in the future once you’ve achieved a level of growth you are satisfied with. Read these Celebian reviews for help with growing your profile. However, if you are just getting started and you are trying to grow your page, it’s best to make it public to make your account easier to find and follow.

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