151 is the number of Pokémon you can catch in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow. At least in theory, in practice you can only get 150 Pokémon in first generation games without using programming bugs. Today, six generations later, that number has grown to 722, and so it’s becoming increasingly difficult to meet the series’ important gameplay goal of catching at least one copy of each individual Pokémon and thus completing the Pokédex. That doesn’t detract from the enjoyment that millions of players around the world now get from these titles. Next, we want to focus on the games of the main series and highlight the important milestones that make up the franchise.
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An exciting storyline! And new experiences!
1th Generation: Collecting, Trading, Fighting
In 1996, the Pokémon franchise hit a nerve: just catching monsters on your own wasn’t enough, you had to first sell at least a few copies from other players. And when you sat together, your teams could compete against each other. Reaches and fights brought sociable players closer together, those who preferred to play alone could at least collect and of course pass the plot, at the end of which, even after 20 years, the goal was still to become the best of all the trainers and champions in the Pokémon league. In this way, Pokémon entertained many different players and brought in a lot of money – the way was paved for the second generation.
2nd generation: small Pokémon, time of day, two new types
Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal were not only visually more colourful, but also more expansive than their predecessors. As well as the all-new Joto region, you can also travel around the famous Kanto region and compete against 16 gym leaders! This option hasn’t been available in any other game in the series since (apart from the HeartGold and SoulSilver remakes), much to the chagrin of some fans.
However, one element that has certainly carried over from the second generation to its successors is the day and night time system. This made the Pokémon much more realistic, because if you wanted to catch a Hoothooth owl, for example, you couldn’t just do it at twelve o’clock in the afternoon, but at least had to wait until evening. The development system has also been tweaked: Chancey only develops in Blizzard when she is particularly lucky. In addition, some gold, silver and crystal events are based on days of the week: on Wednesdays and Fridays a bug tournament is held in a national park, where you can get rare pokémon and prizes. Another important step has been the introduction of a breeding system that has survived since the days of gold and silver. Anyone who wanted a Pokémon Egg
So the second generation made the Pokémon much more realistic and modern. It’s worth noting that two new types, Dark and Steel, were introduced, increasing the existing 15 to 17 and giving the combat system more depth. Dark type pokémon were particularly in need of a metagame, as psychic type pokémon were simply too strong in the first generation.
3rd generation: dual battles, natures, abilities
Suddenly, a pokémon’s characteristics were significantly affected by whether it was hardy, flashy, or possessed one of the other 23 natures. Since then, anyone training their protégés for tournaments had to make sure their pocket monster had the right character for the appropriate purpose on the team. A stalwart with a Solo character? Don’t be ridiculous!
Skills bring an extra tactical component to the game from the third generation onwards. Hidden abilities are in particular demand because in many cases they are better suited for competitions, but they are also harder to get. For the less tournament-oriented players, beauty contests have also been added, where you can compete for ribbons in front of a jury in various classes. Also, with Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, the first remakes of the old games belong to the third generation. The new Pokémon Blue, Red and Yellow releases came with a Game Boy Advance wireless adapter as a special gimmick that players could use to wirelessly connect to each other for the first time.
4th Generation: Global Networking
But the Pokémon developers didn’t want to stop there and went even further: with Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, it became possible to go global, as well as trade and battle over Nintendo’s Wi-Fi connection for the first time. In addition, the fourth generation brought some revolutionary changes. Let’s see… Ah yes, since 2006 attacks have been divided into “physical”, “special” and “status” damage classes, previously this division was always based on attack type. For example, fire attacks used to always be special. What else… Starting with Diamond and Pearl, the bag now holds an infinite number of items! Great, right?
5th generation: improving what already exists
The fifth generation games, i.e. Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2, did not bring any revolutionary innovations in terms of gameplay elements or game mechanics. Rather, the existing ones have been slightly expanded: online fans have been delighted with Pokémon Global Link (PGL), which has since brought gameplay online. For example, you can earn certain medals in Global Link by successfully completing tasks in the newer games. Basically, these medals represent the Pokémon series quest system.You can also access Pokémon Dream World via PGL and play mini-games with your protégés in it. However, Dream World hasn’t existed since early 2014.
Sixth generation: megaevolutions, a new type
So both the fourth and fifth generation had few really important new gameplay elements. Pokémon X and Y changed that and shook up the combat system with new type Fairy and Mega Evolutions. The latter, in particular, are now an integral part of tournaments and add a significant amount of tactics to battles: is my opponent playing this pokémon with a megacam? Or did he give him a completely different thing to wear? Also, starting with X and Y, super training has been introduced to make EV preparation easier, so a lot has been done for tournament players.
But mostly elements from X and Y with elements from their counterparts and add to the gameplay not worth mentioning. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are also the current games in the main Pokémon series: there has been no information about their successors for almost a year and a half.