Without the necessary expertise, UI design can seem like an impossible art to master. However, what companies like Adobe XD have proven is that with a little insight and a passion for web development, anyone can become proficient in user interface design. If you’re looking to hone your existing UI skills, here are some expert tips on how to elevate your understandings.
Consider Human Perception Laws
The rules of human perception, while tricky, play a pivotal role in the visuals you choose. While there are several human perception laws to account for, the most important are the law of proximity, the isolation effect, and Jakob’s law. The latter underscores the importance of evoking a sense of familiarity among users. Meanwhile, the former discusses the significance of maintaining appropriate spacing between elements. Finally, the isolation effect highlights the efficacy of captivating audiences with distinct features.
Embrace New Styles/Trends
Adopting new approaches bodes well for diversity and comprehension, making you a more competent UI designer. With that said, don’t shy away from the unknown. Instead, embrace opportunities that allow you to think outside the box. UI kits are excellent resources for those who want more access to fonts, icons, HTML files, and layered design files. With more UI components at your disposal, you’re more likely to incorporate less traditional features and elements into your UI design.
Whittle Down Your Font Collection
When it comes to your font collection, less is more. In other words, your typography doesn’t have to be intricate to capture someone’s interest or attention. In fact, simple fonts are both easier to read and appear more sophisticated. With that in mind, don’t go over the top with your font choices. Lato, Sofia Pro, Gilroy, Proxima Nova, and Poppins are touted as some of the most elegant and readable fonts.
Develop A Keen Eye For UI Design
With UI design, practice makes perfect. To ensure that your abilities are up to snuff, it’s crucial to learn the ins and outs of user interface engineering. Collecting designs that inspire you is one surefire way to master this art form. Equally effective is asking for feedback. The more knowledge you glean, data you gather, and criticism you receive, the better your eye for UI will be. Above all else, this results-driven method will encourage you to take your skills to the next level.
Don’t Neglect UI Accessibility
Perhaps the most essential aspect of UI design is accessibility. To make your user interface design more accessible, create a checklist. While verifying your interface’s accessibility, make sure that the contrast between elements is spot-on, the text is readable, and your touch targets are correct. If your interface passes these tests, you can rest assured that it’s accessible.
By heeding the above advice, you’ll develop an aptitude for UI design. Put your newfound knowledge to the test, and you’ll see how your skills evolve.