As you get in touch with a law firm that will stand by you as you file for a car insurance claim, there are steps you can take to ready yourself for the legal process to take place. Get in touch with a Car Accident Attorney Kansas City and seek advice on how to push your claim forward.
1. Information Collection
Collect as much information as you can regarding the car accident. From damages on your vehicle and/or property, injuries, time and date, possible cause and direction of the collision, how many passengers were in the vehicle, how many witnesses were there during the accident, so on and so forth.
Collect information promptly, and as close to the time of the accident as possible. This has to do with keeping said data and set of evidence accurate and untarnished, consecutively.
2. Talk To Your Lawyer
Mere “effort” is not enough when it comes to the legal matters of car insurance claims. The right effort is what makes a difference. Before proceeding with the steps you are advised to take in staking a car accident and insurance claim. Having a legal representative/adviser will give you the advantage of taking the proper measures to ensure a favourable outcome. Favourable to you, by all means legal, and legally necessary.
Your lawyer can provide you with instructions on how to go about the rest of the outline on this post. This, as well as policies that need to be observed when conducting your evidence-gathering and communicating with the defendant, or your insurer.
3. Keep The Claim To Yourself, The Defendant, And Your Lawyer
It might be a bit of a challenge not to discuss the details of your claim with people who are close to you. Mainly, friends and family, or even co-workers. It might be just as much a challenge to decipher whom to avoid speaking with regarding your claim.
All you need to remind yourself of is that your lawyer should be your sole confidant here. You can tell your significant-other and closest family members about the accident. They may ask you about how you will seek compensation. For the latter, respond with a simple answer. Don’t give out specifics regarding what you and your trusted legal firm are strategizing your approach towards filing for a claim.
This is to reduce the risk of having too many people accidentally mention said crucial details which the defendants, his or her lawyer, and his or her insurer may use to lower the value of your claim.
In case you’re unsure about which details you can discuss freely with them and which ones you are to proceed with caution in conversations, ask your car accident attorney.
4. Contact Your Insurer
Here is a step you should take when you’re still at the scene of the accident, granted that you are able to do so without exacerbating your wounds and/or injuries. Call your insurer. Your insurer will tell you what you can and should do within the provisions of your premium or coverage with them.
5. Accident Report Filing
File for an accident report. Each state has its own statues befalling guidelines for filing for an accident report. You can reach out to your local government office or visit your locale’s government’s official website to go through what they are.