
Five Tips for Running a Tandem Restaurant and Takeaway Service

Running a sit-down restaurant is already a challenging proposition, but offering a takeaway service on top of that can be an even more daunting task. The logistics and the operational challenges will be monumental, especially during peak hours, and ensuring that each order will be as satisfactory is quite a task.

The challenge is there, but with the right personnel and systems in place, it is pretty much doable. Every business has to overcome various obstacles to flourish and establish its niche. They must ensure to answer each concern head-on, take the proverbial lumps, and learn from their mistakes. Businesses need to evolve based on what the situation offers.

It is also essential that restaurants have all their necessary permits to operate legitimately as a place of business. In addition, they need to secure their restaurant insurance which would provide a buffer should anything untoward happens to the establishment. They also need to ensure that their employees have the work permits to prevent any disturbances in the workflow.

Here are some tips for running a tandem restaurant and takeaway service effectively.

Invest in your team

Good service stems from a team drilled in the tenets of food service. Hire the best possible personnel to man your restaurant. Look for the most qualified cooks, hire the best waiters and busboys, and employ people in customer care. Train them in your system and let them do their best. Let them rise from any mistakes that they commit, and let them grow.

Delegate their tasks 

You must also delegate their tasks and responsibilities. For example, have a team ready for customers who prefer to dine in the restaurant and have a team focused on taking care of takeaway orders. Even though they’re working in the same kitchen, their areas must also be delineated properly. While the staff members may supplement the other team depending on the volume of customers, it pays to have them know their specific roles.

Provide the best products

Whatever is on your menu, ensure they’re always of the best quality possible. Don’t scrimp on the ingredients or the portions. Your customers expect nothing but the best from your restaurant every time, so make it a culture that you would provide them with what they need. Remember, it’s your reputation on the line.

Personalize the service

One of the best ways to capture your niche market is to ensure that each client feels the personalized service you and your staff provide. It pays to listen to the clients and give them what they want so they would appreciate the experience. Positive feedback ensures repeat customers and increases your stature in the industry.

Integrate an online order application

You can expand your business if you integrate an online order application. You can send your delivery riders or employ third-party personnel to handle the orders. Ensure the food quality and listen to takeaway clients’ feedback. You can learn from the feedback to continuously improve your service.


Managing a tandem restaurant with takeaway service can be challenging. However, you can achieve success quickly with a few adjustments and guiding principles.

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