
Holy Water Fonts in the Time of COVID-19

God Bless Human Ingenuity

By Timothy McMullen

Owner, Prospect Hill Company

Like most Catholics, I automatically dip my fingers into the holy water font as soon as I enter a Catholic Church and make the sign of the cross. It is a habit I have had since I was a young boy. It helps remind me that I am entering a sacred space and prepares me to be completely present for God.

Unfortunately, the calming spiritual ritual of blessing yourself when entering and leaving church has disappeared. Holy water fonts today are dry due to COVID-19.

Though it looks like ordinary water, Holy water is one of the oldest and most spiritually significant items in a church. Along with the rosary and the votive candle, holy water may be the most recognizable Christian item. Different types of Holy water are used in Roman Catholicism, they all symbolize purification. While the use of Holy water has evolved, it’s use dates back to Moses.

When we bless ourselves with Holy water upon entering a church, we remind ourselves of our baptism. This is one of the great things about holy water. Since it is  blessed, it has the power to open souls to receiving the grace of God. It connects our spirit with the body and enables one to feel God’s presence. Holy water is a vital for our expression of faith.

Do you miss blessing yourself with Holy water? I do. 

Our lives have changed so much by COVID-19, and it is disconcerting that the Holy water has been taken away.

However, God blessed humans with ingenuity and Pope Francis challenged Catholics to get creative about expressing their faith in these difficult times.

The result is a Contactless Holy Water Dispenser that can be used to automatically dispense Holy Water directly on to your hand as you enter and leave the church. This means that you can safely bless yourself when entering and leaving the church, as can your fellow parishioners.

While it took me a while to get used to sacred Holy water coming out of a high-tech contactless dispenser, the fact that I could now safely bless myself brought me comfort. I think it will bring you comfort too.

I will still long for the Holy water fonts of old, but given the pandemic and the likelihood of other airborne viruses like the flu, we think that the Contactless Holy Water Dispenser will be around for a while.

When it is time for your parish to reintroduce Holy water, contact Prospect Hill Company to secure your Automatic, Contactless Holy Water Dispenser.

Prospect Hill Company

12 Field Street

Brockton, MA 02301


[email protected]

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