Stretch marks are a common part of human growth that may appear at different stages of age. When there is some sudden change in growth and body size, skin tissues like elastin and collagen are unable to increase their quantity at the same rate. This imbalance between growth and level of collagen and elastin leads the skin to rupture and stretch marks are formed.
A few years back this was quite impossible to get rid of these stubborn stretch marks once they get developed. But now we are familiar with the causes and reasons for the appearance of these marks. Stretch marks can easily be removed by using DermalMD stretch mark serum continuously for a few months.
How DermalMD stretch mark serum will work?
When there is less production of collagen there will be more chance of skin rupturing. The most important feature of this stretch mark cream is the ability to supplement the deficiency of essential constituents.
Increase blood supply:
The area with stretch marks does not have enough blood supply that’s why it appears more dark and inflamed. If a certain area of skin has no supply of skin healing process will not occur. DermalMD serum increases the blood flow that will increase the collagen and elastin production of the given area.
This will reduce the healing process of stretch marks and in a short duration skin will regain its lost glow and radiance will also be reversed.
Increase level of anti-oxidants:
Free radicals are present in our body that easily reacts with other chemicals present in the environment due to UV and heatrays. This reaction will lead to oxidation and as a result, your skin will start rupturing and lose its natural glow. Anti-oxidantsplay a vital role in reversing the aging signs with no stretch marks.
Anti-oxidants help in repairing the damaged skin and also prevent it from further damage. This is the main constituent of stretch mark serum that reduces the time for repairing by lightening the skin tone in much less time.
Sweet scent
Stretch marks are more common in pregnant ladies as 90% of pregnant ladies have stretch marks. Pregnant ladies have a problem as they cannot bear a strong smell. This product is good luck for such a case as this serum does not smell too strong. Its sweet and light scent is bearable even for pregnant ladies.
Usage during pregnancy
DermalMD stretch mark serum is safe to use during and after pregnancy to cure and avoid stretch marks. All the ingredients of this serum are safe and natural and impose no harm to anyone whether baby or mother.
Long-lasting results:
This serum work wonders for new stretch marks and you can see a drastic change after the usage for a few days. For older stretch marks you have to wait for at least four weeks for considerable change.
You don’t have to use this serum for life long. One can skip the application on marks once cells are repaired and they can generate collagen and elastin at a normal rate.