Drinking water is a well-known way to maintain good oral health, but not all types of drinking waters are created equal. In this blog post we’re going discuss how the quality and type can affect your teeth either positively or negatively for better or worse.
Learn More: The Importance of Clean Water in Home
How Drinking Water Is Good for Teeth
One of the most common habits in our modern society is drinking water. We know that it’s good for us, but what does this beverage actually do? Water has many health benefits including keeping your teeth clean and strengthening gums by reducing plaque acids to help prevent cavities! Here are some ways you can reap those rewards:
The first way drinking plenty or Fountain Beverages could improve dental hygiene would be through improved oral hydration which helps keep tooth enamel healthier than ever before as well fight off dry mouth symptoms like xerostomia (parched throat). Drinking enough fluids throughout day also prevents cavity-causing bacteria buildup on their surfaces so they don’t form Streptococci tartar.
Help Clean Mouth
The first benefit of drinking water is the ability to keep your mouth clean. We all tend drink something when enjoying our meals; whether it’s juice or soda, these sugary beverages can leave unwanted sugar behind on teeth-the perfect growing environment for cavity causing bacteria in your mouth! That’s not all – many soft drinks also contain acids which leads enamel erosion (not good).
Prevents Dry Mouth
Saliva is the first defence wall against tooth decay in your mouth. It helps to wash away food debris and fight against cavity-causing bacteria, as well containing many minerals that help strengthen enamel when you have a lot of saliva or moisture available for protection every day – but if it’s not there sometimes because we don’t drink enough water then plaque buildup will occur leading eventually into cavities! So make sure never miss out on keeping those pearly whites clean by drinking plenty before bedtime so they’ll be at their best come morning time.
Restore Teeth Enamel
Drinking water with trace amounts of fluoride is an effective way to prevent cavities. It helps strengthen and restore tooth enamel, which in turn protects against disease just like a vaccine does for the body’s other joints or muscles.
Different Types of Drinking Water
Tap Water
Tap water in the U.S., while being fluoridated under specific regulations by EPA, contains beneficial minerals including calcium magnesium and phosphorus which are good elements for oral health – it can reduce risks of cavity occurrence due to its anti-cavity properties that prevent further Tooth decay or repair existing ones through remineralization process with fluoride help.
Filtered Water
Filtered water is tap water that has been purified to make it safe for drinking. The way this filtering process works depends on the type of filtration system and bottled brands, including activated carbon filters found in most household pitcher-style appliances like kettles or coffee makers as well as reverse osmosis systems which use pressure and chemicals to force contaminants through an artificial membrane into saltwater solutions; distillers where boiling doesn’t occur because they’re designed specifically not break apart at high temperatures so there are no undesired flavors formed during evaporation. Learn more about the best water filter system.
Bottled Water
Most people in the US consume about four bottles of water per week, with an average annual consumption rate at 30 gallons. Bottled waters are not always safer than tap and typically lack important minerals such as fluoride: Some bottled brands don’t contain any added chemicals while others use chlorine dioxide to produce this chemical compound which has been linked to cancer when ingested over time by humans or animals. Besides this, you can check this site to find the best custom label water bottles.
Well Water
Well water is normally hard, meaning it contains abundant minerals. There’s no scientific evidence showing that hard to tooth decay and plaque build up in your appliances while using a filter which reduces the taste of well-water for drinking or cooking purposes; yet if you have had problems with scaling due this may be because there are not enough calcium salts present within these sources so they leave behind an residue on dishes after boiling time periods where normal tap waters don’t do exactly distribute themselves evenly either way provided by flowing through pipes straight down into homes rather than being transported over long distances via tankers trucks tanks etc.