
How online counseling can help you?

With online therapy we help you from your familiar environment, from home or any other location. This way you still get the help you need, but you do not have to travel to a location and you can manage your time efficiently. This can be especially pleasant if you do not have the opportunity to visit a psychologist, physically or mentally.

Treatment via video calling has been proven to be just as effective as treatment on location. Sometimes you can also combine this, then you will see the practitioner several times in his or her practice and you will hold other sessions via video calling. You discuss together what works for you. With the best counseling websites for online treatment, the practitioner gives you the same confidence as in the treatment room, but from a distance.

What is online video calling therapy?

Video calling therapy is similar to on-site therapy. What is video calling? The name says it all: this is calling while you see each other. To be able to make video calls with you, a practitioner uses a suitable and safe platform, comparable to Skype.

The therapists who provide online therapy are just as skilled as those who provide on-site therapy. Their care meets the same quality requirements. In addition, many practitioners who provide this form of therapy also provide on-site therapy.

Is Online Therapy Safe?

The platforms that practitioners use meet the standard. Your personal data is protected according to the applicable privacy legislation. This way assure you that it is safe to follow therapy in this way.

When is video calling therapy suitable?

Just like with a face-to-face treatment, your practitioner will estimate which treatment method suits your complaints and needs. Together you determine your request for help and how the treatment will be further organized. This is the same as with a treatment on location. The difference is that some forms of treatment are less suitable for therapy via video calling, such as neurofeedback. The practitioner takes this into account.

There are many other forms of treatment that are very well suited for online therapy. A treatment via video calling is therefore just as effective as a treatment on location and is largely completed in the same way.

If video calling therapy isn’t right for me, then what?

In many cases, therapy via video calling is a good alternative to an appointment on location and we recommend this. In this way there is direct contact between you and your practitioner and the non-verbal communication, which is missing during a telephone appointment, can be a great advantage.

However, we understand that this is not always possible. Depending on your situation, look for a suitable alternative. This can be a telephone appointment with a practitioner, so without a picture. Or maybe you can get started with your complaints yourself. By means of self- help you can work in an accessible way, from your familiar environment, on reducing your complaints. Regardless of your situation, it is important that you receive the right treatment.

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