How to enable comments in YouTube videos and broadcasts
If the owner of the movie has enabled commenting, you can add comments to the movie, as well as respond to comments from other users and rate them. You can edit and delete your own comments. Responses are grouped into threads under the individual comment, making it easy to keep track of the conversation.
Public Videos
All comments on public videos on YouTube are public, and anyone can reply to them. If you use a Google Apps account, every comment you add to YouTube is visible publicly to users outside of your domain.
To add a comment, enter your comment below the video in the box labeled Leave a comment or Add a comment, then tap Leave a comment.
Private Videos
You cannot comment on private movies. If you want to allow comments on a video that is not publicly available, set the video to non-public status.
Non-Public Videos
You can add your comments and responses to comments on non-public videos. Such comments can be seen by anyone who has a link to the video. Don’t get hung up on just the comments under the YouTube videos. At Lowcostsmm – https://lowcostsmm.com you can also buy inexpensive views, likes and subscribers.
- Click Reply below the comment.
- Write a comment.
- Click Add Reply.
- Comment Formatting
- Comment text styling.
You can format your comments, using popular tags such as:
- *bold text* → bold,
- _italicized text_ → italicized,
- -strikethrough text- → strikethrough.
Adding links in comments
If you put a URL in your comment, it will be displayed as a hyperlink.
Rating a comment you like
You can use the heart icon to show your appreciation for comments from viewers in the Community tab, as well as comments posted on the Movie Viewer page.
- Sign in to YouTube.
- Go to the entries in the Community tab.
- Find the heart icon next to the thumbs up and thumbs down icons.
The viewer will see your avatar with a little red heart in the lower left corner and be notified (depending on settings) that the channel owner liked the comment.
Accessing the Community tab
You’ll find comments from the Community tab in your Activity History. They will be available for 30 days from the date the Community tab is activated.
To view the Activity History:
- Open the YouTube app and sign in.
- Go to your comments page.
Pinned comments at the top
You can pin comments at the top of the comments section to determine which comment viewers will see first when watching your movie. It can be a comment written by you or any viewer.
- Log in to YouTube.
- From the comments under the video, select the one you want to anchor.
- Click on the menu icon → Pin. If you already have a comment pinned, the new comment will replace it.
Note: You can unhook a comment at any time. It will return to its original place.
Click on the blue button to confirm the action.
Viewers will see the pinned comment at the top of the movie viewing page with the Pinned icon and your channel name.
You can currently use this feature in YouTube comments. It will also be available in the Community tab soon.
How do I view my comments on YouTube?
This is a time when even a single comment can get you into a lot of trouble. For example, if it’s a comment that insults someone’s personality, race, ideology, religion, and so on. Against that backdrop, it’s very helpful to watch what you write in comments. But, there are situations where an outsider might gain access to your account. And then, obviously, there’s a well-founded fear – “Has he written something on my behalf?” In this post I’ll show you how you can find all your comments on YouTube videos.
How do I see my comments on YouTube?
Some time ago while reading various topics on forums I came across one woman’s request. The essence of her problem was the following. She began to get notifications with responses to her, to put it mildly, indecent comments. The woman claimed that she had not written anything of the kind. She remembered that she had left her account authorized at an Internet cafe, on someone else’s computer, and had changed her passwords from Google accounts, since she couldn’t remember which one she had been authorized from. The woman asked for help from forum members, to find all her comments so she could delete them. This post I decided to write for all those who are in a similar situation, and now, looking for an answer to the question – “How to see your comments on YouTube?”
In order to find all your commented videos, you will need to log in to YouTube from your computer, as I have not found a similar section in the mobile version of the video hosting
On YouTube, the “History” section stores data about videos you’ve watched, searches you’ve entered, comments you’ve written, community posts, and chat messages you’ve posted.
The histories of entered search queries and viewed videos, you can disable. Entries in the other sections, appear automatically if you write comments under videos or chat messages, and disappear if you delete those comments or messages.
To see all of your comments, toggle the button to “Comments” in the “Data Types” block on the right. A ribbon will appear with your comments and links to the videos where you left them.
Many of us often visit the world’s most popular video hosting site YouTube. The abundance of video content on this resource is off the charts. And literally every user can find channels and streaming to his liking. Quite often we are not limited to watching the desired video, and want to leave a comment below it. But having scrolled through the page with the video out of habit, we can find private settings included there. Why user comments to the video can be disabled and how to enable them? We’ll tell you in our material.
Reasons why video comments can be turned off
There are plenty of reasons why the author (publisher) of a video might disable the video comments.
In particular such reasons might be the following:
- The video is provocative in nature and the author of the video turned them off to avoid flaming in the comments;
- The user’s channel has a lot of followers who write a lot of negativity in comments under the video. Most often such channels have a political or religious connotation, gathering a lot of ideological opponents;
- The user’s channel is adored by spammers who regularly post various forms of advertising;
- The author of the publication simply does not want to see comments on his video.
In addition, starting in early 2019, YouTube began banning captions on videos with young children. This is due to the policy to combat pedophilia, for which a special automatic algorithm YouTube is responsible. Videos with teenagers (teenagers) are not affected by this policy. To promote videos in any of the social network is important not only views, but also, for example, and likes, subscribers. This applies to both YouTube and Instagram. Everything is inexpensive at https://captainsmm.com.
How to enable and disable comments on your YouTube channel
In order to enable YouTube video captions, you need to use the Creative Studio.
Do the following:
- Go to Creative Studio, and wait for it to open (may take a couple of seconds);
- On the left, in your channel settings, select the “Videos” section;
- Click on your video for which you want to enable or disable comments;
- When the clip window opens, select the “Advanced” tab at the top;
- Once the tab opens, find the “Comments and Ratings” option below;
- This is where we are interested in the “Allow all comments” option. If you uncheck it, the comments on this video will be disabled. Checking this box, however, will allow you to enable comments on this video, configuring them as you wish.
For example, the “Show” – “Approved” option will only allow comments below the video that you have approved. The “All but potentially ineligible” option will send you those user comments that YouTube’s algorithm deems potentially ineligible for review.
Why does this restriction happen on other sites?
You may also see the message “Comments to video are disabled” on other video hosting sites, online movie theaters, and other similar resources. Usually it’s related to the internal policy of moderation of these resources that limits the ability of users to discuss in any way the videos they watch.
To comment on videos available on such resources, we recommend registering on the resource. If you are still unable to comment on videos, ask the resource administration to allow publishing the recordings. It’s possible that the webmasters will meet you halfway and you’ll be able to add your opinion to the videos on this site.
In our material we’ve analyzed why the message “Comments to this video are disabled” appears on YouTube, and how you can enable them in the situation when you are the account owner. If you see a message about disabling entries on various video sites, then it’s a signal of the administration’s policy limiting the ability of users to make captions to the desired videos. You only need to register on this resource, and then write a letter to the administration, asking them to allow you to subscribe to the videos available on the resource.