While Huawei Laptop started 2021 off strong, its low ranking in this year’s brand score card shows the perils of being a one-hit wonder. MateBook X Pro for its value, performance and design, but outside of that, its limited selection. While many wait for Apple to fix its Butterfly keyboard switch issue, Huawei debuted the MateBook X Pro. Huawei doesn’t force anyone to rely on the underpowered integrated graphics chips, providing the power of discrete GPUs. The Chinese company is already making waves. Huawei has proved itself quite the mimic. The aluminum-clad systems even use the same color as the Cupertino company. It’s a smart decision by Huawei, since MacBooks are so popular. But honestly, as nice as the MateBook X Pro, MateBook D and MateBook 13 look. Huawei provides a VIP Service Package to those buying select MateBooks, a package that includes overnight express delivery and a free replacement for a damaged screen. Any alterations you do to the device’s internals, though, voids its warranty. As an upstart in the laptop category, Huawei has introduced a few noteworthy innovations. These include the Matebook X Pro, which was one of the first ultraslim notebooks with a dedicated GPU. The system also benefits from Huawei’s Shark Fin 2.0 cooling system, so you can enjoy performance without enduring sweating-hot temps. Fortunately for Huawei, Microsoft and Intel declared they will continue to provide software updates and new drivers for Huawei devices using those companies’ technologies, and things may be getting better for Huawei. Huawei put its best display in its flagship laptop, the MateBook X Pro. Inside that laptop, you get a super-sharp, 3000 x 2000 display that makes the 2K (MateBook 13 and 14) and Full HD (MateBook D) screens on the other models look dull by comparison. The MateBook X Pro’s screen is both the most colorful and the brightest, as it produced 124 percent of the sRGB spectrum and 458 nits of brightness. Those measurements beat the 122-percent, 318-nit MateBook 13 and the 73-percent, 241-nit MateBook D. The laptops will be powered by the impressive and powerful Kirin 990 chipset paired with 8GB of RAM, 512GB SSD, and a 14-inch 1080p display, well primed from excellent visuals and speed operations. Other highlights include Huawei’s Share 3.0 software, which makes it easy to transfer files between your Android phone and the company’s laptops. The company focuses on making MacBook-esque products that sell for less than Apple devices. Huawei is focused on making its products relatively affordable. Huawei’s Matebook X is a fanless notebook with splash-proof screen and combined fingerprint sign-on and power button. Huawei plans to keep its laptops portfolio simple at first, by focusing on premium consumers while putting off any decision on a move into commercial laptops.