Many prospective students first decide in which city they want to live and then choose their education. What is a nice student city? Then I will study there. In recent years, there have also been an increasing number (44%) of prospective students who choose to continue living with their parents. That saves studio rent and therefore the amount of money they have to invest in the training. Both groups first choose the city and then the program. Not that smart, I think. Study choice must come first in the choice of study. And there are major differences between courses.
Comparing courses
I think it is very important that prospective students spend a lot of time comparing study programs. First of all WHAT am I going to study? At WHICH level am I going to do that? And finally WHERE am I going to do that. Even though courses are called the same, they can sometimes be completely different courses. A training that suits you is the basis. Only then should a student think about where he is going to live.
Search for a student studio or stay with the parents
More and more students continue to live with their parents. This is often for financial reasons. I also hear that first-year students like to live with their parents first and only look for a studio later. They like that not everything is new. They can first get used to the study and a little later to independence.
I advise parents and students to make proper agreements. Students must of course learn to work and think independently. And… it is not the intention that the parental home is a cheap hotel. Living with the parents also costs money.
Does the student still live with the parents? Don’t underestimate how much time and energy it takes to travel. Often, studying on the train or bus does not lead to much. And you do get tired of it. Traveling is disappointing for many students.
Search for a studio
Finding a studio is not easy in many cities. There are also other sites that make it easier to find a studio. And Googling also helps enormously. Through the students of the new program, a student can find out which studio rental agencies and Facebook groups are useful, a good question to ask on a Student for a Day. Student Studios Leicester can help student find their best suitable place which is cozy and in your budget. I often hear that students find such a (temporary) studio. These are senior students who, for example, go on an internship for six months and sublet their studio. There is a shortage of studio in almost all student cities.
Don’t set too high standards. Maybe you should be content with a temporary studio in the beginning… It may be that the student only finds a house with a landlady, and therefore lives with a private person…. whether the student must move to one of the villages in the area. Maybe not so nice, but it is easier to find your ideal studio from a (temporary) studio.