The menu is one of the major attractions in every restaurant. If you walked into a fine dining setting and the waiters presented you with a shabby-looking menu, odds are your expectations would drop drastically. Menu presentation is an art of its own, and menu holders add to a restaurant’s aesthetics.
A menu holder is also known as a menu board. The restaurant menu board helps to keep an establishment professional-looking and tidy. It allows your customers to see all the necessary information at a glance.
In most restaurants, a menu holder is used so that the menu is already on the table when a customer takes their seat. It can be timesaving because a waiter doesn’t have to rush to bring the menu to a customer; they only approach the table to welcome them and take their order.
There are two main types of restaurant menu holders.
1. Acrylic menu holder
2. Clip or grip menu holder
The acrylic menu holder is a standing restaurant menu holder. It is designed for tabletop display and frames a menu card (which could be a thick piece of paper). Because these menu holders are not waterproof and can easily wear and tear, they are best used for short notices – maybe to display a lunch special, or a special offer, or notice for the public.
The clip or grip menu holder is designed to hold laminated menu cards upright. With these menu holders, the customers can remove the menu card from the holder for a closer look and then replace them in the holder. These are strong enough to withstand constant handling. However, they are more expensive to produce, and this factor should be considered when choosing a restaurant menu holder.
There are some other menu boards that can be used in restaurants apart from the acrylic or clip menu boards. Some of these are the.
Wooden menu holder
Leather menu holder
Wooden holder
Stainless steel holder
Floor standing menu holders
LED menu holders
Menu holders are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, according to your preference. Some holders are designed for large menus, while some are smaller. If you run a big restaurant, it makes more sense to purchase a large holder, and vice versa,
The theme of the restaurant is also considered when choosing these menu boards. For instance, a nature-themed restaurant is more likely to have a wooden holder. In contrast, a classy restaurant would most likely have a leather menu holder or the LED menu holder. A simple restaurant that is affordable would most likely have an acrylic holder.
Picking a menu holder is a very important task in any restaurant. Choosing a menu holder is as important as choosing what goes on the menu itself. The effort put into the menu presentation matters a lot as it is one of the first things a customer is likely to notice.