
 Reiki: Is It Really A Practice of Spiritual Healing?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word that means Energy healing. It is an alternative therapy. This therapy almost started in the late 18th century in Japan. In this therapy, practitioners put their hand on the wound place of the body or just above the patient’s different part of the body. The goal is to direct one person’s energy to another person for his healing response. The practitioners’ main belief behind Reiki practicionerpracticione is to supply energy to support the body’s own natural inner healing abilities.

But there are some controversies around this Reiki practicioner. It is hard to prove the effectiveness of this therapy in clinical and scientific ways. Despite the criticism, many people are trying this therapy, and they are very positive about it. As a result, popularity among seekers is increasing day by day.

What does it happen in the Reiki practicioner session?

Generally, Reiki courses online are done in a quiet and peaceful place, though it may be done by a practitioner anywhere. The patient has to sit or lie comfortably on a chair or table while wearing clothes fully. Depending on the patient’s preference, music can be played. The therapist places his hands gently over the patient’s specific areas of the head, hand, torso and limbs. They use different hand shapes for some times in one place, and they do it over 20 places of the body.

If the patient has any particular injuries like a burning or any wound, the therapists just held their hands above that wound body part.

The universal energy transfer occurs in the patient’s body while the practitioner holds his hand gently on the body. During the therapy time, the therapist may make his hand warm and twanging. He holds his hand until he senses stopping the flow of his energy there.

Which types of techniques are followed in Reiki?

spiritual reiki master in Ohio has some techniques. Such as centring, beaming, clearing, extracting, infusing and smoothing.

Reiki practitioner uses chakra and crystals to heal. They say that these things can heal and protect from negative energy.

A Reiki therapy lasts from 15 minutes to 90 minutes, varying on the client’s wish. Some clients want to finish the therapy in one session, but some want to have it in series to overcome any specific issue.

What are the benefits of Reiki therapy?

The practitioner says that the life energy force surrounds us, and this energy permeates the body. The practitioners measure the energy in the patient’s body by feelings. This skill requires lots of practice.

  1. Reiki helps to increase deep relaxation.
  2. It assists in the normal healing process of the human body.
  3. It develops a lot of emotional, spiritual and mental health.
  4. This therapy helps patients to cope with many difficulties, relieves mental and emotional stress. It changes personality desirably because of a reduction of anxiety.
  5. It is also seen that clients have started to believe more in God after this treatment. Women have experienced this more than men.

Reiki also helps people suffering from some serious diseases such as cancer, anxiety, heart disease, depression, infertility, autism, chronic diseases, fatigue, etc. Men have noted a greater reduction of depression than women after Reiki treatment.

Clients who have completed Reiki therapy say they now feel refresh and can think more attentively and clearly. They can sleep well now. The most common reviews are about relaxing from stress.

Does Reiki have any harmful effects?

Reiki does not have any harmful effects appearing till now. Anyone who has completed the Reiki treatment training can perform it on patients and teach others. Several organizations have now started training of this therapy and also delivers certificates.

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