

Have you noticed the fact that Rummy – the card game, has suddenly made its presence felt in the Indian gaming market, through its virtual versions? Commercial breaks on television are often flooded with advertisements about different brands that offer online play rummy. It seems like Rummy is the new Black in India. But, this black is often faced with the question of its legality by many Indian authorities. Many people perceive Rummy to be a gambler’s game, or a non-reputable game. But, it is a question of choice. Many people refrain from playing it with money. They play it just for fun.

What is Rummy?

Rummy is a card game that has been transformed from an offline mode to a much interesting online game. It is a fun game which involves scratching the brain. It is a tempting game which has elements of wit along with elements of fun. Rummy cannot be played just based on luck. There is much more effort that a player has to put in. It has more to do with the skills of how to smartly play and present one’s own self and exhibit  their observation skills in order to win.

More about Rummy

Players connect over the internet to play this Rummy Cash Game. There are tournaments too which are organised by various apps to encourage people to play the game while earning huge cash prizes. The tournaments can be on Cash Rummy or on Free Rummy, where no transactions are made between players; it can also be Promotional Rummy Tournament or a Practice Tournament. This is called Rummy because it helps one grow and enhance their skills on an online game platform. The player who wins goes up the scoreboard. With each game, their points keep adding up. The participants with the highest points win prizes. Also, if it is a cash tournament the person wins that money too. This game is not just based on any predictions, but it is a mind game. When registering for Rummy, participants do not have to pay any additional money to register.

Is It Safe To Play Rummy?

Rummy is not a gambling game, it is a tricky game. Many official authorities have questioned the safety, but professionals have backed it by saying that it is solely based on the skills of a person. Another risk is of the platform. There are so many platforms and so many players, but many often turn out to be scams. It is important to choose the safest platform, before investing in any money. There may be chances that your money goes into the hands of fraudsters. Another risk involved is that people often get addicted to it and end up losing a lot of money in the hope of winning money. This is dangerous because a person may not even realise it soon.


Rummy is a fun game to play. It engages the mind in a healthy way. It has financial risks involved and may also be addictive, so be careful about that. If you have more queries, let us know in the comments section below. Ab Rummy mein apna game dikhao!

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