Few adult community sites are as safe and well-regulated as F95Zone. Before any user of this website posts a link, image, or thread, they are thoroughly screened by the staff and moderators. Only after their approval does the post go public. While posting anything on this site is a relatively easy process, you have to follow certain rules and regulations for the content to get approved.
The first thing you have to do to post anything on F95Zone is to register and make an account in it. Without an account, you will still be able to read different messages on different threads but you won’t be able to reply to them. Moreover, links to games, comics, arts, and other viable links are hidden unless you are a member of F95Zone. You do not need many details to register, just your email address.
Read the Rules
There are different forums on this site consisting of different topics of discussion. The four main forums are adult games, adult comics and animations, development and art, and general discussion. To post in each of these forums, you have to be compliant with the rules of the respective forum. While posting on game threads, art, and link uploading is different, there are some general rules that you must follow no matter which forum you post in. Some of these general rules are:
- No trolling, bullying, or attacking people for their opinions.
- No discussion on controversial topics or politics and religion.
- Provide translations for posts that are not in English.
- No excessive and unnecessary spamming.
- Pay attention and respect the decisions taken by the website’s staff.
There are many other rules that you can read by scrolling down to the very end of the forum page or any page you are in and click on the ‘Forum Rules’ under Quick Navigation.
Discussion and Development
The Discussion and Development forum are the two forums that you can start posting in. The other two forums, gaming, and art need you to post links of content that you cannot unless you have three approved posts from your account.
To post on the Discussion forum, click on any of the three subcategories: General Discussion, Tools and Tutorials, and General Troubleshooting. You must be aware of some particular guidelines for posting in General Troubleshooting. The other two subcategories do not have any specific guidelines. Simply click on the ‘Post Thread’ button. Add a title, write what you want to post, attach any relevant images if you want to, and post the thread after previewing it. If your post contains banned words then it might get rejected.
The Development forum has several subcategories that require you to be aware of their guidelines before you start posting in them. This forum is generally for creators and developers looking to expand their team of workers and for people requesting to translate or seeking help for their artwork or games.
To post in the gaming and art forums, you must issue a request after you have posted at least three times in other forums. Only after your request is approved that your post will be shown.