
The Characteristics Of A Good Administrator

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you know how to run a business. After all, taking the business off the paper is still less difficult than managing it successfully despite the time-consuming, expensive and bureaucratic process.

There are characteristics and attitudes expected of a good manager like great lakes advisory for instance that does not depend on the scenario in which he started his business. So, whether you are the owner of a newly opened company or one that has not yet found itself in the market, see what profile is expected in conducting business.


Starting a business does not mean taking a vacation from the boss. If you are not your boss, you will soon lose control of the business. And this applies to all areas of the company, starting with finance.

The administrator must know the reality of cash, which involves the total and unrestricted separation of personal and business finances, in addition to recording any income and expenses of the legal entity, however small it may be.

To have a business in the long term, there is no knack or procrastination. It is essential to be disciplined and rigorous.


For the good administrator, there is no such thing as “where is the document that one?”, “did I already issue the note?”, “What time will the meeting be?” or “what is the deadline agreed with the customer?”. The routine is for certainties, not for doubts.

The diary is a great companion so that nothing escapes the radar, especially accounts payable and receivable, in addition to commitments made to customers, suppliers, and other partners.

The manager depends on an organized profile to lead the company. There is no excuse for failing at this, especially with so much help from technology, which makes apps and other tools available online for this purpose.


There are several ways to show yourself as a leader in the company. This characteristic appears when setting an example to employees and delegating tasks, which means trusting those who work for you.

But leading also goes further. It means knowing the business and having the courage to give it what it needs, taking calculated risks based on a well-defined strategic plan. The initiative in acting and the respect in relating are essential for those who want to know how to manage a company.


Good communication appears in several situations in the daily life of an entrepreneur. He needs to have this well-developed ability to buy and sell, negotiate with suppliers and customers, and praise and scold in the right measure.

Clarity in spoken and written words and body language can make all the difference in how you are understood. The administrator who does not know how to communicate often does not understand, contaminating others, reaching the processes, and, finally, affecting the results.


You may have done your homework well and put together a detailed plan for your business. But it’s not because you’ve wasted hours on it that you can’t review it if something isn’t going as planned. That’s being flexible.

To be a good manager such as great lakes advisory for instance, it is necessary to know how to deal with successes and recognize mistakes to promote adjustments. Is the business model ideal? What can be changed in the strategy to achieve better results?

Flexibility also appears in the openness to inquiries, being willing to assess the new, receiving criticism, and listening to what people around you have to say and opine.


Charge, when necessary, with intelligence, value, when necessary, with wisdom. Especially concerning people management, some get lost when managing a company for not giving the true value that human capital deserves.

Mistakes exist, no matter how much you envision perfect processes in the company. How you deal with them makes all the difference.

A good manager’s sense of justice allows him to better deal with routine situations in the company, recognize the teams’ efforts, and even reimburse them in a manner compatible with their aspirations for the business.

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