Islam is the world’s second-largest religion consisting of 1.9 billion followers, or you can say that the world’s 24.9% population follows Islam. People following Islam are commonly known as Muslims. Islam teaches about Mohammad, who is a messenger of the Creator. In 49 countries, the majority of the population is devotees of Islam. It also teaches that God is One, forgiving, unique, and powerful. Ramadan, also called Ramzan, Ramathan, or Ramadhan, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar noted by Muslims worldwide, and in this month, Muslims fast. This type of fasting is known as Ramadan Fasting.
The More You Do, the Nearer You Become to Creator.
1. Fasting During Ramadan
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn till dusk. While fasting, a Muslim cannot drink, eat, get involved in immoral acts, and control anger. During this holy month, Muslims are encouraged to pray, read the Quran, and, if possible to do charity works. It is a common belief of Muslims found the holy book Quran in Ramadan. In Ramadan, many mosques host huge iftars to help out the poor and unprivileged ones. After iftar, Muslims visit mosques for night prayers such as Tarawih with friends or family. Ramadan is like a reunion because it is a tradition to invite guests over iftars.
2. Bridge To Be Closer
Darood Tanjeena is a prayer composed of immense love for the precious messenger of Allah. And this prayer is written by Imam Abu Bakr ibn Salim. During any hardship or problem, you should recite Darood E Tanjeena 1000 times to experience the miracles. And then the blessing will work like magic. Many imams advise Muslims to recite this prayer because it brings relief in life and all kinds of goodness. Muslims believe that this prayer protects the family from evil eyes and has the cure for the disease. Darood will keep reciters safe from any danger by grace the Almighty.
Like Darood E Tunajjina, there is another kind of prayer called the Durood Sharif. And this Darood also has its good sides. There are many situations where you tend to forget anything or your memory fails to remember it. And in that situation, a Muslim should reciteDaroodSharif to remember the forgotten thing. Darood Sharif is the best possible way of sending blessings upon Prophet Mohammad. And it is a symbol of praise. If one Muslim recites this Darood for another person, then that person will get the benefits. Any Muslim can eradicate hunger and poverty by repeating this Darood. Reciting Darood Sharif brings purity.
3. Begging Forgiveness to the Most Merciful
In Islam, Dua is the act of worship. It is a form of prayer of request, help, supplication, invocation. Dua means to “call out” or to “summon,” In this way, Muslims connect with the Almighty. To ask for forgiveness, to share their emotions, and ask for favors. Muslims believe that dua brings peace. The most considerable benefit of dua is its fulfillment. Muslims are aware that they will receive whatever Allah has decreed for them. Quoting dua keeps your heart humble and results in blessings and good luck. Prophet Muhammad said that “Dua is most important for worship.”
Eventually, let us discuss Wazifa. There is a difference between dua and Wazifa. In Wazifa, you need to speak some powerful and vitalized words a certain number of times. But in dua, you can use your own words or phrases. Wazifa means to recite specific prayers found in the holy book Quran. These specific prayers have magic powers. There will be ups and downs in life, and Muslims believe that reciting Wazifa can remove life problems. There are different types of Wazifa available; for example, there is one for love, childbirth, etc.
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