Drain clogs are more common than you think and the very reason is that the food constituents that are discarded in washbasins or grease accumulation can serve as the blocking factors. The end result is that you have got yourself a clogged drain which is a huge problem and can lead to various health atrocities if not treated right away.
The best way to deal with these is to always go for professional repairs plumbing companies that might be able to help you to professionally get around these systems. But if you are looking at kind of an urgent fix then various home remedies or methods can help you with that. Following are some of the best tips that will allow you to get rid of the blocked drains in a couple of minutes;
Using hot water
This might come as the first remedy that you try for the sake of unclogging your drain and most of the time this efficient method is simply overlooked by people due to how simple and insignificant it might sound. Using hot water on blocked drains could do the trick and you might not need to call the professionals if you have a blocked drain pipe in North York. The trick here is simple and it involves the pressure from water, heat, and the added force that will rip open the blockage or gunk that is stopping your drain from working properly. This is an essential tip that you can try which might do the trick for you at no added cost whatsoever.
Homebased liquid cleaners
Using home-based liquid cleaners and developing a dedicated solution to get rid of the drain clogs can be the very technique that you are looking for. Just like the commercial cleaners, these have the right chemicals to help you with the removal of any bulky discharge that is stopping the consistent flow of water and hence has blocked your drain. The most common home mixtures that you can use include the finger and baking soda mixture, mix the ambient amount of these and pour into the drain and then flush it out and it would likely take away any blocking element present in there.
Using sugared sodas to clean drain clogs
This trick is also ignored in most cases but it just so happens to work, the exact science behind this trick is still not uncovered. It might be due to the pressure that carbon dropsied present in those sugared cans exerts on the blockage to relieve it and at the end, you get a clear drain that is out of the blockage. You can use either the Pepsi or coca-cola cans to try this trick and in some cases, it might prove more beneficial and working than using either home-based or commercial chemicals to do the trick.
But at the end of the day, all of these are home-based methods and might not prove beneficial in your case. That is why it is advised that you begin with proper consultation or hiring a professional plumbing company to help you out.