A common and very frequent question that our customers have when buying or researching an air compressor is installing the equipment or air compressor installation service. Doubts about what precautions should be taken when installing the compressor are very important factors that must be considered before purchasing. In addition, it is a significant investment equipment that needs special attention so that its operation is efficient and long-lasting.
To help you solve this doubt, we have some essential tips that serve to install different compressors and help when installing your equipment. These tips are ideal for installing piston compressors, but remembering that each compressor must be installed following its instruction manual.
Electrical Installation
A very important question that must be asked in air compressor installation service very carefully. The first tip is never to connect the compressor directly to the electrical network. The ideal is to consult an electrical technician who can assess the general conditions of the electrical network and the capacity of electrical cables. Also, check if the compressor voltage is compatible with the local voltage; each detail is relevant when the electrical installation of the equipment.
Another important point that we have to pay attention to is that for compressors from 2 hp power, installing a magnetic switch serves to avoid thermal overload of the system due to the motor having several starts (depending on where it is used). Again, this key increases the protection of engine components, and you still don’t lose your manufacturer’s warranty.
Installation Location
The compressor installation must be chosen with care; the place must be a place free from humidity and have ventilation so that the efficiency of the equipment is guaranteed. A point that must be very well thought about the installation is about the noise of the compressor, which varies from 74Db to 85Db, which can bother customers and employees. So it’s nice to have a place that has soundproofing. And regarding the maximum temperature of the environment, it is recommended to be 40°C.
Regarding the installation position of the compressor, experts indicate that it must be at least 80 cm away from the walls and ceiling with a minimum height of 2.5 m. This ensures good ventilation and facilitates when carrying out preventive maintenance.
It is worth emphasizing that difficult-to-access places should be avoided not to endanger the physical integrity of the professional who performs repairs and maintenance of the equipment.
Compressor Vibration
An excellent tip to remember is that air compressors must be installed on rubber feet. Usually, this item does not come with a compressor. Still, it is essential to purchasing it, as it helps to level the equipment and prevents inadequate lubrication of the equipment, maintaining an even circulation of the lubricating agent.
Connecting The Compressor To The Network
To connect a compressor to the compressed air network, it is necessary to use a flexible hose or rubber hose. This is important to avoid transmitting thermal or mechanical shock to the air reservoir. And to prevent water accumulation in the air reservoir, it is essential to drain the pool according to the frequency of use regularly. The most efficient way to drain is to use an automatic drain.
Keep This Information
The tolerable pressure loss in a compressed air network is up to 10%. If all these precautions are taken, indeed, your air compressor will supply air to your pneumatic parts. Remembering that all these tips can help you have a little more knowledge about installing the equipment, but be sure to read the product’s instruction manual and consult a technician specialized in the subject. It is essential to have someone with technical knowledge who can help with installation.