
Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey – Everything’s You Want to Know

In our modern society, one of the critical health issues is Obesity that is not just a fat condition. It is a “disease to be treated.” If treatment is unsuccessful, not only will you suffer from a variety of illnesses, and your quality of life will deteriorate, but you will also be more likely to be short-lived. 

Even it is a complicated illness for patients to face on their own. There is no doubt that the basics of obesity treatment are “diet therapy,” “exercise therapy,” and “medical treatment,” but many patients have experienced this alone. With the advance of medical science, weight loss surgery is the most effective way to prevent or alleviate the health problems caused by Obesity.

Whatever, patients who are eligible for Obesity surgery turkey are those who, if left unchecked, are at risk of death due to complications from Obesity shortly, and medical treatment has failed. So to learn more, you can read this article from top to bottom.  

Features of Obesity surgery turkey: 

Surgical operation is simple and clear

Almost no nutrient absorption dysfunction

For these advantages, the obesity treatment effect is good.

Therefore, it is said that it is suitable for turkey people who are less obese than Westerners, and it is the most practiced technique in turkey at present. 

However, on the contrary, there is data that Gastric bypass turkey has a relatively high therapeutic effect for those who are highly obese or who have a long period of diabetes, etc., so we will decide the surgical indication by consultation.

Besides, performing the surgery laparoscopic-ally minimizes the destruction of normal tissues such as the abdominal wall. It dramatically reduces surgical invasion, which is a factor in the rapid spread of weight loss surgery.

Adaptation conditions for weight loss surgery in turkey:

The peoples who meet all of the following conditions are indicated for weight loss surgery. The patient must be 20 years old and over a BMI of 35 kg / m 2 or more. Those have one or more diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. 

Besides, a patient’s medical treatment for more than six months does not improve sufficient weight loss and obesity-related complications. Suppose patients have severe heart or lung disease due to obesity that does not have physical or mental problems that cannot withstand surgery. In that case, they should carefully consider whether or not they can tolerate surgery before performing surgery.

Surgery is not indicated in the following cases: 

  • Those with severe cardiopulmonary function or underlying illness not caused by obesity
  • Those whose obesity is caused by endocrine diseases or drugs
  • Those who have drug, alcohol, or tobacco addiction
  • Those who cannot obtain the consent of their family
  • Those with severe mental or neurological disorders

Surgical procedure for weight loss surgery:

Three surgical procedures can be performed at this hospital: sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery, and gastric bypass surgery. All operations are performed safely and minimally with minor scratches using a thin camera called a “laparoscope.”

Nowadays, the only surgical procedure performed as insurance medical treatment is laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, and Gastric sleeve turkey is performed as advanced medical treatment. Besides, to undergo laparoscopic sleeve bypass grafting by advanced medical treatment, it is necessary to have severe obesity (BMI 35 or higher) with medical treatment-resistant diabetes.

Consultation Remarks:

Weight loss surgery is not an easy way to lose weight. Taking the opportunity of surgery to improve your lifestyle, including nutrition, will protect your health in the long run.

Although weight loss surgery carries some risks, it is crucial to understand that staying obese is much riskier. It would be best to choose an obesity treatment team consisting of various occupations (doctors, nurses, nutritionists, physiotherapists, clinical psychologists, pharmacists, obesity coordinators).

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