
Why SMS Marketing is Right for Your Business

Did you know that the popularity of text messaging is more than that of social media platforms? Businesses are preferring sms vs mms marketing software as a strategic component in their multi-channel marketing campaigns. It provides unique advantages to a brand making it a valuable marketing tool.

Mobile SMS marketing is surprisingly accessible

Text messaging is more affordable and universally known by users. It does not require any heavy app investment and still allows sending a personalised, targeted text message. It provides a wider access to potential customers.

All you need is a two-way SMS messaging between a company and mobile users, and content that is relevant and useful. An online SMS platform such as Edgility can enhance the way your brand engages with customers in their entire purchase cycle using this instant messaging service.

The benefits of SMS marketing show it is right for your business

Texting is no longer invasive, in fact, consumers have come to expect updates through SMS. This is especially true for local services where high-engagement can be achieved with sales offers such as vouchers, discounts, promotions, etc.

Here are some reasons why SMS marketing is right for your business:

1. SMS is a direct and immediate channel

An SMS is the fastest among all channels to reach a consumer. The read rate of SMS is at 98% compared to emails. They can be highly-targeted and work effectively in time critical messages. An SMS is read within 5 minutes of receiving them by 60% consumers. SMS marketing ensures that a brand’s message reaches the consumer and generates good ROI.

2. SMS can be integrated with other marketing methods

SMS is a great and effective channel on its own. However, it can also work with other popular mediums, such as social media and email. A business can enhance and support other marketing campaigns with SMS notifications, reminders, etc.

3. SMS is drives better engagement

Replying to an SMS is easy and instant. Consumers, therefore, are more likely to engage with SMS interaction like providing responses, etc. For instance, getting instant service feedback and survey results is possible with SMS marketing. This helps a brand learn more about their target audience within a short period of time. In addition, SMS analytics allows a business to monitor, track, and improve its ROI

4. SMS marketing is incredibly affordable

It is a highly cost-effective marketing method. This inexpensive marketing tool only requires a text message service to be set up. Thus, with limited resources as investment, SMS is an affordable revenue earner.

SMS marketing has a huge potential

SMS uses push notifications as a default setting and this makes consumers more likely to open them almost instantly. There is no logging in required like in emails, social media profiles, etc. Besides, consumers love receiving offers! It makes good business sense therefore to use SMS marketing for better conversion.

If you haven’t invested in text message advertising, there’s probably something missing from your digital marketing mix. Call us to build an SMS marketing campaign that will grow your subscribers and boost your sales.

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