We are currently shaken-up by the crisis that struck the world in 2019. Even in 2021, there seems to be no end in sight for Covid-19.
A lot of things were affected by the pandemic. Businesses lost customers, shops closed down, and people lost their jobs while most governments glossed over their losses.
As we are navigating through this ongoing crisis, let’s discuss some helpful strategies. These could be employed to boost sales after or even during Covid-19.
Re-Think Your Business Offerings
Covid-19 has affected the lives of billions. This is a fact you must keep in mind when it comes to your customers and the products you offer.
During this pandemic, companies have significantly changed their business direction. They are now capitalizing on masks and other protective accessories because it’s the need of the hour.
For example, more businesses are focusing on stocking up on household supplies rather than camping gear.
When this change finally comes to pass, your product line will be drastically different. To adapt to these changes, you must remove or at least reduce some products from inventory and bring in new ones according to rising demands.
It’s also a great idea to overhaul your customer service. According to research by American Express, 7 out of 10 customers preferred stores based on their positive experience while shopping. You can also improve your customer experience by:
Increasing resource availability:
When your Wholesale Marketplace is online, there isn’t someone physically available to guide a customer while shopping. Having resourceful tutorials, recommendations and informational guides at the ready can help your customer navigate better.
Being honest about delivery and wait times:
During or even after the pandemic, things aren’t going to be completely normal anytime soon. Services like logistics are highly affected and customers may have to wait longer for their products to arrive. Be upfront about it and give accurate order processing and delivery times.
Making use of multiple channels:
Try to use multiple communication channels such as emails, live-chats, phones, and social media to stay in touch with your clientele. This will not only help you engage current customers but also enable you to attract new customers.
Start Communicating with Customers
During the pandemic, communication is crucial for the survivability of your brand. Changes are occurring on both the business and the customer’s end.
Maybe a customer thinks your business permanently stopped selling a product. When the customers are informed about the changes your business is going through, it does not leave room for any bad feelings.
Additionally, establishing a dialogue helps you better gauge customers and receive valuable feedback. This will let you prepare your business better for the future.
Work On SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps you increase your business chances and show up in search results. Since the online market and Wholesale Business (eCommerce) is booming during the pandemic, this is the most important tool in your arsenal.
Since people are afraid of leaving their homes in the pandemic, shops have lost a lot of their customer base. Through SEO, you can compensate for that by increasing your online traffic. Focus on what people need these days and try to optimize your website accordingly.
Through communication with customers, you’ll also be able to forecast buying patterns post-pandemic. With this knowledge, you’ll be quick to adapt your website’s optimizations to the latest shopping trends.
Tinker with Your Marketing
Regularly talk about the importance of social distancing, sanitization, and masks in your marketing. This will not only help you stay relevant, but also spread positive messages.
When the pandemic is almost at a close, you can start changing your marketing strategy accordingly.
At this time of writing, Covid-19 cases are extremely volatile. In some countries, the cases fall drastically while in others they are rising. Adjusting your business according to the current situation is the best way to survive this ordeal and gain a boost in sales after it. Wholesalers seem to have found a solution in online wholesale platforms. You can find the answer as well as long you look hard enough.