If you suffer permanent total disability following a severe work-related injury in Maryland, you may be eligible to receive permanent total disability benefits. The benefit is for individuals unable to work due to a disability and can help cover the costs of medical care and other expenses related to their condition. The article will discuss essential requirements to receive permanent total disability benefits in Maryland to assist you on your journey.
1. Supervision by Medical Professionals
When you suffer work-related injuries, you must seek medical assistance from a qualified doctor. Constant supervision by a professional doctor to prescribe treatments, medication, and other helpful strategies to improve your condition is crucial. Your physician will also document your progress and any limitations due to your disability that prevents you from performing any work activities.
That is crucial for receiving total disability benefits in Maryland since any records showing your disability must be ready for the claim process. It’s essential to keep track of any appointments with doctors as proof of your disability’s severity and ensure that the visits are not too far apart to maintain your eligibility. Working closely with a Permanent Total Disability Lawyer will help you compile a persuasive medical report and file your claim successfully for your compensation.
2. Reaching Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)
Maximum medical improvement (MMI) is essential for receiving permanent total disability benefits in Maryland. The certification must come from a medical professional, who will assess the individual’s condition to determine whether or not they have fully healed. It’s important to note that reaching MMI means that they have reached a level of medical stability and improvement, such that any additional treatments are not likely to improve their condition further.
Once the medical professional certifies that the individual has reached MMI, they must provide evidence of this certification to the Social Security Administration or their private insurance provider. That can include a statement of medical records, doctor’s notes, and any other pertinent documentation. If the individual meets all the criteria for receiving permanent total disability benefits, their application can be approved, and they can begin receiving their benefits.
3. Presumptive Permanent Disability Injuries
When an employee sustains an injury in the workplace, they can receive permanent total disability (PTD) benefits if Maryland law presumes the injury to be a permanent total disability. In Maryland, if your injuries are in this category, it’s easier for the employee to qualify for PTD benefits.
These presumed permanent disability injuries include traumatic brain injury, amputation of a limb, total blindness, total deafness, and spinal cord injuries. However, there’s no guarantee. Hence, working closely with your doctor and a skilled workers’ compensation is crucial to help you compile a compelling evidential medical report. They can provide the guidance and advice necessary to ensure you receive the maximum benefits under the law.
4. Substantial Evidence
To receive permanent total disability benefits in Maryland, workers must demonstrate that their injury or illness renders them totally and permanently disabled. As such, you must provide substantial evidence to prove that the injury is severe enough to meet the criteria for a permanent total disability. Substantial evidence can come in many forms, including medical records, medical opinions, diagnostic studies, medical imaging, witness statements, and more.
It’s important to understand that providing substantial evidence is critical in receiving permanent total disability benefits in Maryland. The most common types of evidence required include the date of the injury, the date you were last able to work, the date you applied for benefits, the date a doctor examined you, and the date of approval of your benefits. Accurate records for each date will help ensure approval for your claim benefits.
5. Filing a Compelling Claim
When receiving permanent total disability benefits in Maryland, it is crucial to file a compelling claim. That means that the claimant must include all pertinent medical records and documents that demonstrate the extent of their disability. Additionally, the claimant should thoroughly explain the impact their disability has had on their daily life and how this has limited their ability to work and function normally.
It is also beneficial to include support reports from doctors, vocational experts, or other individuals who can attest to the claimant’s disability and how it has affected them. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you compile a complete, accurate, and persuasive claim. Also, include evidence related to job loss or income reduction due to the disability. Having comprehensive and credible evidence of an individual’s disability will increase their chances of approval and receiving the maximum benefits.
The best path towards permanent total disability benefits in Maryland begins with seeking medical assistance from a qualified doctor, being honest and upfront during the claims process, and participating fully in all aspects. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer will be happy to assist you in presenting a solid claim for state disability benefits.