
5 Easy Ways to Manage Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that affects over 20% of the American population. Acid reflux is a phenomenon where your stomach regurgitates its contents up the gut, inflicting a burning sensation that radiates up to your neck. However, acid reflux transcends the gut and also causes severe langreal and pulmonary complications. We spoke to specialists in Cypress acid reflux to understand how the homogeneity of acid reflux affects conventional treatment methods and what you can do to alleviate some of the symptoms.

Acid Reflux management incorporates empirical inhibitors, physical therapy, surgical therapy, and lifestyle changes. Only correct diagnosis through endoscopy can determine the extent of acid reflux severity and chart a management path.

You can get an error-free diagnosis at GastroDoxs in Cypress, Texas.


Acid reflux medication is a secondary response to managing acid reflux when lifestyle changes don’t suffice. The doctor can prescribe medication such as Cisapride, Famotidine, and Nizatidine. When the body is resistant to histamine receptor blockers, Omeprazole is the go-to solution. Erosive esophagitis sometimes develops resistance to inhibitors due to the varied dosage and inconsistent frequency of administration. Omeprazole is the most common effective drug to manage acid reflux. Do not buy these drugs over the counter as each drug has different dosage requirements.

There are innovative trial drugs that some centers use. Limit the risk of further gastrointestinal complications by visiting a qualified practitioner for medical recommendations.

Create A Post Eating Physical Routine

After eating, your body requires rest to digest the food and hence prevent regurgitation. A post-eating routine should consist of rest and subtle movements. Do not engage in strenuous activities that exert pressure on your belly or move about too much. Stay up after eating and let your stomach digest the food to avoid sending acid into the esophagus.

Avoid Certain Foods

It is common knowledge that some foods trigger acid reflux than others. However, there are revolutionary alternatives that allow you to eat almost anything without triggering acid reflux. That being said, still limit or avoid mint, spicy foods, fatty foods, and citrus fruits.

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

Proton pump inhibitors are similar to receptor blockers but are stronger. PPIs lower the amount of acid your stomach produces. Doctors recommend PPI when there is serious esophageal lining damage by acid reflux or GERD. You can buy this medicine over the counter, but it is always good to consult a clinician before purchasing any medication.


Surgery techniques are the most effective way to manage reflux. However, surgery is reserved for severe acid reflux cases. Surgery may involve tightening the sphincter muscle or altering the esophageal structure to prevent the stomach from churning its contents. Some conventional approaches to surgery include bariatric surgery and fundoplication surgery. It’s important you understand the risk and expected outcomes beforehand. Specialist doctors, however, tailor unique surgery solutions to manage acid reflux effectively.

Effective acid reflux management remains a challenge due to the extent of damage before diagnosis and commencement of a treatment plan. However, if you notice any burning sensations or experience nausea, schedule a visit at GastroDoxs in Cypress, Texas. GastroDoxs is the defender of the gastrointestinal system.

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