It is unavoidable that when you are reading an online document that you may encounter a specific page that is on landscape. This usually happens when a particular page has an image or a graph in its content. However, this may form some sort of inconvenience to the reader of your online documents.
Hence, to provide a much more convenient way of reading for the receivers of your online documents. It is essential to have an online tool to configure your documents and rotate them for good. This article will be discussing a great online tool for your online documents needs and how to rotate your documents using it.
What is PDFBear?
First of all, the name of PDFBear comes from the file format Portable Document Format or most commonly known as PDF. PDF is included in their name because PDF is one of the most utilized online document formats that the public loves to use in their daily online transactions. Hence, on why PDFBear focuses on giving its services and tools on the file format of PDF.
Speaking of tools, One of the most enjoyable things about the platform of PDFBear is its number of tools offering to help you configure your PDF files. You can do a lot of things about your PDF files when you visit the website of PDFBear. You can use the tools like Edit PDF, PDF Reader, Share Document, Add Number Page, Add Watermark, PDF Rotate, eSign PDF, and many more.
All of the tools that we have mentioned can be used by any individual even though you don’t have any experience in editing your documents. It is simple and straightforward with no tricky process in converting your new PDF file. Most individuals who are still not confident in personally editing their documents will be given detailed instructions for you to follow easily.
Before we get starting on configuring your PDF file, you need to have these three things. First is a stable internet connection, which will help you to visit the website of PDFBear. The second one is a device that will be your tool to upload the PDF file that you want to convert in the first place, and lastly is the PDF file itself. If you have those three, you can now start converting your PDF file.
Four Easy Step To Rotate Your PDF
It is for sure that you will not have any trouble or difficulties configuring your PDF files when using this online tool. PDFBear will provide you a simple and easy to follow tool that will help you rotate a page from your PDF file in no time. Having all of that said, you will only need to follow four easy steps to rotate your PDF pages.
- The first step is you will need to upload the specific PDF file that you want to configure.
- The second step is you will be provided with a circular arrow that will determine whether you want your PDF file’s contents to be in landscape or portrait.
- The third step is that once you are satisfied with the changes you made, all you need to do is click on apply, and you can now proceed to the last step.
- The Fourth and Last step in rotating your PDF file pages is to download it into your device. In this step, you will also be able to share your newly converted PDF file with your preferred recipient.
If you are worried that you might forget some of these steps when you start converting your PDF file you don’t need to worry anymore because all of this easy step by step instruction is available on their website. Having this convenience on an online tool platform has never been this easy. Hence, you will be able to have an advantage on how to configure your PDF files easily and quickly.
Simple and Straightforward
As what you have noticed in the step-by-step instructions that are given to you are simple and straightforward, and that is because PDFBear gives importance for every individual to have the best converting experience possible. The overall design of the interface of PDFBear is to make everything as simple as possible.
Having the advantage of knowing how to configure your documents nowadays is a must. However, learning how to configure your documents may be time-consuming. Hence, the benefit of having PDFBear as your helping hand in configuring your documents.