

Allegations of assault are frequently brought against people. It is more common for violent crimes to be committed as assaults, ranging from pushing to kicking and punching. 

Let’s take a deep dive into the different types of charges that may be brought against you in a Canadian court.

What is an Assault?

An assault is the direct or indirect use of force against another person without their permission. Simply described, an assault happens when person A touches someone else without their consent. Any unwelcome contact is considered a kind of assault. There are a few aspects of assault that must be understood.

Assault accusations can be highly complicated and serious. Discuss your legal option with N.J. Preovolos Law Corporation competent attorneys.

Assault With a Weapon

The basic elements of assault are combined into assault with a weapon. A weapon is anything used, intended to be used, or designed for use:

  • inflicting bodily injury or death on another;
  • threatening, intimidating, or provoking any person.” 

Under the law, certain goods are classified as weapons. There are countless examples, including firearms, switchblades, stilettos, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles. 

The items listed above are categorized as weapons because they are meant to cause harm or death.

Assault Causing Bodily Harm

Assaults that cause bodily harm to a victim are defined as assaults that cause the victim to sustain physical damage. 

In other words, “bodily harm” is harm that interferes with a person’s health or comfort, not merely fleeting or minor. 

The risk of bodily damage is relatively minimal. It includes bruising and cuts, among other problems.

Aggravated Assault

An aggravated assault is one that “wounds, maims, disfigures, or puts the complainant’s life in jeopardy.” This effectively divides aggravated attacks into four categories: wounding, maiming, disfigurement, and endangering life.

Domestic Assault

Assault against an intimate partner or family member is known as domestic or marital assault. You will face a harsher sentence if you are convicted of domestic assault. A present or past spouse, common-law partner, or dating partner is referred to as an “intimate partner.” 

Uttering Threats

Threatening any person intentionally means making, conveying, or causing them to hear an explicit threat 

  • cause bodily harm or death to a person; 
  • If it involves burning, destroying or damaging real or personal property 
  •  A person may not kill, poison, or injure an animal or bird that belongs to another. 

The laws forbid three specific types of threats: threats to kill, damage property, and injure animals.

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