
Emergency Recovery Script: A Tool That Will Save Your Website

Being one of the most popular website builders, WordPress is often a target for hackers and malware. Unfortunately, users pretty much don’t think about that and are not ready when it comes to such situations. That is why they mostly don’t know what to do when it comes to a problem.

Besides basic things such as backups, antivirus, or anti-malware software, it is also necessary to have emergency tools. That is where Emergency Recovery Script comes in.

In the following text, the most powerful emergency tool will be introduced to you. Let’s explain it a bit more!

Emergency Recovery Script is a single-file, standalone, and WordPress independent PHP script that was created so you could recover your WordPress website even in the most complicated situations. When core files are compromised because of accidental deletion or because of malware, you can lean on Emergency Recovery Script.

It also comes in handy if you cannot get access to WP admin or you get the white screen of death.

With Emergency Recovery Script, you don’t need to worry because your security is covered. This plugin will help you quickly, and it is easy to use. There is no need for you to know how to code, interfere with the database or modify your files; all can be done much easier, with no need for completely reinstalling your site and losing your data.

There are also those amazing tools provided to you by Emergency Recovery Script, and they surely are important for your website. So, let’s list the most useful tools when it comes to this plugin!

Server Information provides you with information about the server (PHP, MySQL versions) and gives you access to the phpinfo() function so you can get more information about the PHP environment.

WordPress Information gives you information ERS detected about the WordPress installation, including database access details, wp-config.php file location, site URLs, and more. Also, it makes sure ERS is connected to the right installation.

Core Files makes sure every WordPress core file is checked and compared to a master copy on It scans files, even those that are not supposed to be placed in the core files folder, and reports on them; it will report even if the smallest detail is changed in a file. You will be able to remove everything in no time in an easy way.

The Snapshots tool will give you a list of all the snapshots available on your WordPress installation. Also, you will be able to upload a snapshot saved somewhere else. Restoring a snapshot is simply done by clicking “restore”.

Reset WordPress helps you completely reset your WP installation without deleting any files, so you will be able to save your plugins and themes. However, user accounts and the database will be deleted and returned to the default state.

Administrator Account is one of the most important tools when it comes to Emergency Recovery Script because it will help you solve every problem related to your administrator account.

It is also important to mention that all plugins and themes can be easily enabled and disabled anytime you want with ERS.

The tools that are listed above are just some of the amazing benefits Emergency Recovery Script provides you with. You should consider exploring it a bit more since you will surely find all its strengths and advantages.

Why makes the Emergency Recovery Script so special?

The answer is simple!

First of all, it is really easy to install and even easier to use, and it is free, too. It is always good to save some money and still get a great tool, right?

It is very important to mention that it works best with the WP Reset plugin.

If you wonder what WP Reset is, it is a plugin that is a must-have for maintaining, debugging, testing, and resetting your site. This plugin has useful features that are needed when tricky situations happen. Using it, you can easily remove demo data, undo actions, automatically activate your plugins and themes, copy all your WordPress database tables saved in the current database, avoid doing a complete reset, etc. Plus, you can easily adjust it to all your needs.

Some advanced features come with the plugin, too. For example, “Nuclear Reset” helps you easily delete the whole content of your website. You also get to speed up theme and plugin testing, restore and reset everything on your website, all with just a click of a mouse.

Those are just some of the great features WP Reset has to offer you. Wait until you explore it a bit more! There is no doubt you will be thrilled.


To put it all in a nutshell, Emergency Recovery Script is here for you and your website’s security. It provides you with amazing tools useful for every user. Furthermore, it is a single-file, WordPress independent, and standalone script, which makes it a great option to lean on when it comes to any sort of trouble with your WordPress website. It works the best with WP Reset, a plugin that is also full of great features. Therefore, you should use those together to get the best results possible.

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