Love has no language; it is a known and floating notion of the world, but not everyone adheres to it. Loopholes exist in all systems of the society and so do here. If you think love has no language, you are indeed living in a fairytale-like love story, and hopefully, you are the prince, and the girl you love is your princess. Today the whole talk is about the most volatile combination in a love story and possibly the beginning of most. There’s no bad day or moment to express your love to someone but there sure is one very right way that is the Valentine’s Day. If you too hold a special place for someone in your heart, it’s time to spill the beans with these gifts for valentine day. Let’s get going.
A flower bouquet
Don’t think for a second this is the only thing you have to gift to the love of your life but think of it as a token to commence a conversation. If your creative self is asking you why a bouquet when you have to gift something else, tell your brain to switch off for some time and let your heart make the decisions on the forefront. Walk her through this journey; you hope to begin with her and set the mood with something as fresh and fragrant as a flower bouquet.
A pack of chocolates
You know what’s an even better idea, a box of chocolates, that too hidden in a flower bouquet. With all the new and trendy options coming in the market every day it is possible to astonish your loved ones, the maximum their eyes can widen. A flower box can do this trick. A bunch of roses with a few Ferrero Rochers in between is just what you need to make her go cuckoo bananas for you. It’s the beginning of something beautiful; your effort has to be on the top too.
A dress from her favourite brand
Women are vocal about their choice of brands, liking when it comes to food cuisines which is the one thing that will work miraculously in your favour. Bring for her a scarf or a dress, a Kurti or a cute sweatshirt. Make sure you get her something her type and that she can pull off with grace and confidence. Don’t mind coupling it with a fancy pendant or ring too; accessories take the attire to another left, as will it do to your love life. Get in nicely wrapped in a lovely paper that resembles your emotion, and you are good to go.
Take her out on a date
There’s nothing as pleasant and memorable as some together time with your loved one, and that is what we are aiming for here. Plan out a great cosy date to her favourite dine-in places, order her famous cuisine and let her be the most own version of herself. Let her open to the idea of a love relationship with you, be on your best behaviour, be a gentleman just as you are. Let her know what you feel is real and genuine; In no time, she will surely show signs she is falling in love with you.
Be friends with her friends
She won’t let you in her life that easy; some hurdles have to be crossed, but when they are this easy and fun, what’s the problem? Just like it is shown in movies and practices profusely in real life too get in good books of her best friends and they’ll pave the way for you into her life. But for that, you have to make them believe in you and let them know of your intentions. Be the good boy that you are, and you’ll be good to go. Be friends with them all and share a brotherly caring bond.
Be there for her at all times of the day; don’t let her feel for one second that she is any less than the woman of your dreams. Let the thought of togetherness sink in, let time do the deed while making constant efforts beyond imagination.