Anyone over the age of 30 who wants to plunge into multiplayer matches without training 100 hours beforehand and without getting insulted by younger hardcore players should play Team Fortress 2. The game is available for free as Free2Play and offers an easy start. With a wide selection of nine well-balanced classes, there’s something for everyone.
What’s going on? Two teams beat each other over the head in fairly fast-paced battles in joking graphics that are a bit old-fashioned now, but still fun. But be warned! As humorous as the graphics seem, and although the German version is cut out in terms of blood and missing body parts, it’s still not meant for children.
Pinup online casino has confirmed that the popularity of multiplayer games, and especially multiplayer shooters, does not diminish with age.
The bright red USC-18 sticker is a reminder that dads would rather enter the game with adult players than with their school-age children.
Guild Wars 2 (ArenaNet, 2012, PC )
Yes, an online role-playing game. A typical time eater and, at first glance, not exactly an ideal candidate for the limited time over 30. But on the one hand, there are indeed players in this target group who play regularly for several hours instead of playing very fragmented, on the other hand, you really can’t go wrong with this representative of the MMORPG. Guild Wars 2 is one of those games for which, unlike industry leader World of Warcraft, there is no monthly fee. The purchase price of the game is the only financial expense to be incurred, along with the fees charged by your internet service provider.
For around €40, you currently get the game with Guild Wars 2, which relies on features such as an extremely free level up system whereby even mere mortals can easily reach the maximum level in three weeks without having to take a holiday. So you don’t have to spend as much time as you normally would on other members of the genre. In Guild Wars 2, experience points are awarded for almost all actions. In addition to completing quests, beating up bad guys and your achievements in crafting, the game primarily rewards you for exploring the world map – and that’s very generous! Guild Wars 2 is also designed for players who can or want to roam the fascinating world of Tyria for one or two hours a day at best.
World of Tanks (Wargaming.net, 2012, PC )
At the beginning of June, more than 60 million players were already puffing around the battlefields in World of Tanks on their tanks. The hit Free2Play is one of the most popular free-to-play online games in the world alongside League of Legends. The tank simulator relies on multiplayer online battles that players conduct on their tanks, modeled to the finest detail according to the original, as well as realistic control of tracked vehicles. While World of Tanks requires players to have certain skills, it also offers an easy start. After matches, you get in-game currency and experience points and can use them to research new parts, such as weapons and engines for your steel colossus, and to improve the machine with them.
While all the tanks in World of Tanks’ huge development tree are very well balanced and there is no “redundant tank” like most Free2Play games at the moment, WoT also has the ability to progress faster in the game using real money and get new tanks sooner, for example. However, the manufacturer recently announced that in the future it will drop this Pay2Win model and only offer optical tricks in the in-game shop. Anyone who isn’t exactly a pacifist or even half interested in multiplayer duels with snorting heavy metal cars should definitely take a look at the game. Because it offers another advantage for casual players: the battles are relatively short. The same applies to the so-called “
Awesomenauts (Romino Games/Steam, 2012, PC , Mac, PS3, Xbox 360)
On Steam, you can buy Awesomenauts by Ronimo Games for PC for just ten euros. It’s a two-dimensional multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game from the League of Legends brand. With the difference that you’re not following the game from a typical top-down strategy view, but as a 2D scroller. In terms of graphical style and setting, Awesomenauts is based on popular cartoons from the 80s and 90s. You fight in two teams with the best mercenaries in the galaxy to destroy your opponent’s base. Best of all: Awesomenauts also offers a co-op mode, so it’s also perfect for taking a buddy on an exciting virtual battle against another team of mercenaries.
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (BitComposer Games or Steam, 2012, PC , Xbox 360)
I certainly don’t need to present this game in detail to the player over 30 who has already cleaned countless mouse balls, optimised XMS memory and broken joysticks. Gamers who have experienced great adventures in C64 and Amiga video games will recognise The Great Giana Sisters. The name of the iconic jump-and-run game that was strikingly similar to Super Mario Bros. Race through a world full of danger, collect diamonds, find secret levels and shoot lightning bolts at monsters or jump on their heads to defeat them.
It was the late 1980s. Today, the game is retro iconic – and back! You can find it on Steam, Xbox Live Marketplace and now in a boxed version for PC. The remake by German developer Black Forest Games (formerly Spellbound) has absolutely succeeded. Like the original, the sisters of the same name enter a world of dreams in Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams. Strictly speaking, even in two, between which you can switch at the touch of a button at any time. Then it’s not just your character that changes, but also the game world between dark and bright. Giana Sisters:
Twisted Dreams is a great Jump’n’Run with state-of-the-art technology, successful controls with new ovals and a high addictive factor that, despite everything, has retained its retro charm.