The practice of meditation has been around for thousands of ages. From the ancient ascetics to modern-day fitness coaches, everyone recommends meditation as a cure for several psychological and physical problems.
A meditation pillow makes the entire process of meditating for hours more comfortable. This is why many experts recommend using these pillows for additional comfort supportive of higher concentration. The followings are a few reasons why everyone should use these pillows while practicing meditation.
The Right Body Posture
Sitting postures often decide the overall health of the spine, shoulder, and back joints. When you sit on a chair for long hours, you feel uncomfortable and worn out. Similarly, sitting on the floor for several hours without any pause can cause severe pain in the shoulder and lower back region.
None of these postures gives you the utmost comfort needed for mindfulness meditation. When you feel pain, your focus automatically diverts and you struggle to concentrate. This is why everyone practicing meditation should use a meditation pillow specially crafted to support their body during the long sitting hours.
The power of mediation in calming the mind is undeniable. However, without the meditation pillow, you will find meditating challenging.
Every person’s level of comfort is different. Some find sitting on low-pillows comfortable, while some prefer the cushioned ones. Meditation pillows are pretty adjustable in this matter. You can fill the pillow with more cushions to adjust its level according to your convenience.
Meditation requires complete focus and zero diversions. If your mind remains occupied with the feeling of discomfort, you can never meditate properly. Therefore, the use of meditation pillows is essential for all meditation enthusiasts. Meditation helps control stress, anxiety, emotional turmoil, and many other physical issues. Experts recommend meditation for living a healthy life.
However, if you continue to sit in the wrong posture, meditation can also leave you with substantial body pain. Even the Buddhist monasteries where meditation is a serious affair and a part of daily activities use meditation pillows.
These pillows feature a unique design ensuring less stress on the legs, ankles, and the low back region. Cushioned pillows elevate the pelvic area to some extent making long hours of meditation more comfortable.
Optimal Blood Flow
Besides ensuring enhanced focus level and comfort, meditation pillows also assert optimal blood flow in your body. When you meditate, you do not move enough to keep the blood circulation optimal.
Therefore, your body might experience a lack of oxygen supply when you meditate for hours. The meditation pillows ensure that your blood circulation does not stumble regardless of your long meditation hours. An enhanced level of circular flow augments your meditation as well.
When the blood moves optimally, you can focus better. Your brain receives more oxygen turning your mind more alert and focused.
Pick a meditation pillow if you wish to undertake the exhilarating journey of spiritual meditation or focused mediation. All varieties of meditation practices come with unique benefits. However, one thing that remains common for all types of meditation is the calming effect that releases stress and anxieties.