This collection of oddities on commercial aircraft will surprise even the most seasoned travelers, even those who know how to recite safety instructions on board, predict whether a trip will be delayed, and decipher the fare tables of low-cost carriers.
Even if you’re accustomed to flying, this intriguing planet still has many mysteries to reveal. Pilots and crew members discuss ten of the most bizarre experiences they’ve had.
Perhaps we still can’t enjoy playing at a new online casino on an airplane, but airplanes have many other things and happenings and they are full of mysteries, ranging from hidden sleeping compartments to handcuffs and hidden latches to black triangles in the window frames. What if someone dies or gives birth at an altitude of 10,000 m? Have you ever thought about what would happen to them? Some of the most interesting and little-known facts about airplanes are listed here for your enjoyment.
Chime sounds
During some flights, the sounds that sound like chimes are actually codes that crew members use to communicate with one another.
However, they do not typically include information that is very fascinating. These communications could be about the number of food that are left in the bag or about turbulence that has been detected in the flight path. Much less frequently, they are used to communicate an emergency or a change of route to others.
15 minutes of oxygen
The first thing to know about oxygen masks on airplanes is that they do not actually supply oxygen, but rather a cocktail of chemicals that may include barium peroxide, which is used in fireworks, sodium chlorate, which is used as a herbicide, and potassium chlorate.
But what’s even more worrisome is that these masks are only capable of pumping that substance for 12 to 15 minutes at a time.
Despite appearances, what appears to be a tragedy is actually not so tragic: it would take a pilot considerably less time than those 15 minutes simply to bring the plane down to an appropriate height.
Deaths on board
Technically speaking, it is impossible to die aboard an airplane. Most aircraft do not have qualified individuals who can certify a death despite the fact that flight crew members are trained in first aid and may even be prepared to perform resuscitations.
In legal words, this means that no one can die in the middle of a flight because passengers would only be considered dead upon landing.
Nevertheless, if someone does pass away on an airplane, there is no designated space where the body can be held until landing, therefore the deceased passenger is normally kept in his or her seat, covered with a blanket and with the seat belt tightened until landing, if there is no empty row available.
Lights down
When flying, have you ever questioned why planes dim their lights during takeoff and landing? You have undoubtedly speculated that the reasons for this could be to create a more relaxed mood among passengers, to save electricity, or to prevent light pollution. This is a reasonable assumption.
Nothing above is correct: the fading of the lights is strictly for safety reasons, and it is intended to prepare our eyes for the possibility of an emergency evacuation.
To be exact, takeoff and landing are the most essential periods of a flight, and it is for this reason that the aviation authorities work hard to assure the success of any prospective evacuation in the event of an accident. The reaction of the passengers becomes critical in this situation, but they must be able to see in order for them to be cooperative.
Adaptation to darkness takes roughly ten minutes, but in the event of an accident, the human eye has less time to adjust. As a result, they will be able to see more clearly, follow the crew’s instructions, and make for the emergency exits if the cabin is in complete darkness.
As a result of a cabin fire and smoke, experts predict that an aircraft’s atmosphere would become uninhabitable in 90 seconds, which is the maximum time for evacuating the aircraft.
The captain is in control of the aircraft in flight
Once the plane’s doors are locked, the captain is in charge and his authority is more pronounced than it appears. Almost 90% of flight crew members are paid by the hour, and in many situations, the clock doesn’t start ticking until the plane doors are shut. Among other things, he can deny people access if they appear drunken, write a will, and perform marriages.
Baby on board
Although they appear to be limited to providing safety warnings and then serving as waiters/waitresses, crewmembers have received extensive training that includes a significant amount of technical knowledge.
The examinations they must pass can range from learning how to put out a fire to diagnosing specific ailments, splinting broken limbs, stopping bleeding, delivering first aid, and, yes, even assisting in the delivery of a baby.
Due to airline limitations on traveling for women in advanced stages of pregnancy, they only execute this duty on a very irregular basis.