
Side Effects of Hydrocodone

Hydrocodone is mostly used when other means are not sufficient, and the pain continues to remain for longer duration. Its use is secondary and is mostly with the combination of other non-opioid drugs because it comes with dead-serious warnings, which you’ll discover later in the post.

Make sure you don’t skip any of those precautions and warnings if you’re taking or about to take Hydrocodone.

Now, let’s jump into the side effects of the med — some of them are worse.

Side Effects of Hydrocodone:

Here are some of the common side effects that occur, and should be vanished within 4 hours. If they’re taking longer, then immediately consult with your doctor.

  • Back Pain
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle tightening
  • Issues in sleeping
  • Pain while urinating
  • Swelling of foot, hands, or ankles
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Shaking in any part of the body.

Now here are some of the serious side effects that need instant doctor’s attention.

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If not taken seriously, these can lead to slow suffocating painful death.

  • Dizziness, vomiting, Pain chest, agitation, hallucination, diarrhea, faster heartbeat, itching, and painful muscle stiffness
  • Erectile dysfunction, irregular menstruation
  • Problems while breathing or swallowing food.

In case of an emergency, or you mistakenly took an overdose, call the poison helpline or your nearby doctor immediately. Better be proactive than regretting later.

Warnings and Precautions

You should know that this med is strongly habit formational. This is why the med is only sold with the doctor’s prescription, along with the other non-opioid med.

Here are some of the precautions you must follow. DO CONSULT with your doctor before taking take this med if you are:

  • Allergic to Hydrocodone
  • Taking or planning to take other vitamins, pills, herbals, or changing your diet plan
  • Having or had recently breathing problems, pain while urinating, low blood pressure, kidney, liver, and lungs diseases
  • Pregnant, planning to become, or you are already breastfeeding
  • An alcoholic
  • Dealing with diabetes, HIV, STDs, or any other deadly diseases

Please also bear in mind that the med causes drowsiness, so don’t drive while you’re taking pills. You may face a horrible accident.

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You should take Hydrocodone according to the doctor’s prescription and never ever overdose on it.

Once again, on average, when you take Hydrocodone dose, it stays in your system for about 24-48 hours. But in hair testing, it can still show up for the next 90 days. And in severe cases, such as addiction to Hydrocodone, it can take months until the drug completely vanishes from your body.

So, this was it — If you’re in need of this med, and you want it to be delivered at your door-front, you can purchase it from the government registered 1HealthyDoze online pharmacy by clicking here. Take great care!

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