Healthy teeth play an important part in our lives and can be a great asset to add confidence to our smile! A healthy set of teeth help us to chew better and digest food quickly, improving the overall look. In addition, a healthy set of teeth can give you a beautiful smile, influence relationships with people, and boost your confidence. Having the perfect whites can transform your life in ways more than one!
On the contrary, having discolored teeth can ruin your appearance and confidence. Crooked, chipped, and gapped teeth can do the same. This is where Tooth Whitening Services in Medford introduce tooth whitening products and services to help you achieve a perfect and healthy set of teeth.
But there are a few things you are supposed to know before going for tooth whitening so keep reading to know in detail.
Your Takeaway Tips For Teeth Whitening Services
2. It is not for everyone: The greatest way to whiten your teeth and get the finest result is to visit a dentist’s office first! However, before they get into treatment, a dentist will conduct the necessary tests and consultation and discuss the oral health and teeth objectives.
This discussion is important to find out the issues of teeth and gums. Dentist Medford advises that children below 16 or breastfeeding patients and pregnant women should not go for tooth whitening.
3. Available teeth whitening treatment options: When it comes to teeth whitening, there are several possibilities. But topping the list are in-office treatments and take-home therapies.
When using a take-home treatment, custom trays are made from molds of your teeth and filled with whitening gel before being worn for a few days. You can have whiter teeth using whitening gel and a specific light at the dentist’s office, yielding speedier results.
4. Sensitivity is a common condition: Teeth whitening, especially performed by a dentist, is usually safe, but that doesn’t mean it will not have any side effects. Most people who have undergone tooth whitening experience sensitivity, while others reported blistering or irritated gums.
If you have any issues following your treatment, consult your dentist. Dentists can help reduce sensitivity or eliminate gum discomfort. They can aid in addressing other problems that arise after teeth whitening.
5. Different results for everyone: Many factors are involved in tooth whitening. Some people have healthier enamel which helps the stains to break through easily, so their teeth get whiter quickly.
Others may have weak enamel, making it difficult to remove build-up stains or take longer. This will also result in slow tooth whitening. Speak to the dentist of the dental clinic Medford before starting a teeth whitening procedure for advice and recommendations.
If you are frustrated with your discolored teeth because it ruins your relationships and confidence and wants to fix them, you can surely go for tooth whitening. It is a great, safe and effective solution for a brighter smile. Teeth whitening Medford encourages people to go through professional cleaning and examination before whitening.