Trauma, disease, and congenital issues can cause damages to your tissues or organs. Regenerative medicine in Livingston seeks to restore your damaged tissues or organs. The two main therapies applied in regenerative medicine are platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell therapy.
In PRP therapy, your body’s natural healing agents are extracted then concentrated at the site of injury. Such concentration supports the growth of new tissue and enhances healing at the injured site. PRP therapy is highly effective for your ligaments, muscles, joints, and tendons since it accelerates your body’s natural healing response.
R3 Stem cell therapy Mexico is helpful for injuries on your back, neck, knees, and other joints by stimulating new tissue growth. There are excellent benefits of using regenerative medicine. Other than reducing pain and supporting your overall wellness, here are some details about regenerative medicine that you need to know:
Surgery Is Avoidable
Both PRP and stem cell therapy help you to avoid surgery and even reduce pain. For instance, torn rotator cuffs are painful and require fixing by surgery. Regenerative medicine therapies come in handy in such a case since they are a minimally invasive treatment option.
Recovery Duration Is Minimal
You will be in a stable condition to return to your daily activities following PRP or stem cell therapy. The reason is that both therapies are outpatient procedures. Side effects such as discomfort at the injury site and minor bruises tend to go away within a couple of days. Unlike surgical procedures, regenerative medicine enables you to return to your regular routine within the shortest time.
Healing Process Happens Faster
Compared to conventional treatment methods, regenerative medicine has been known to help patients heal faster. Platelet-rich plasma and stem cell therapies quickly work to repair injured tissues and joints by enhancing your body’s ability to heal.
General Anesthesia Is Not Mandatory
With regenerative medicine, general anesthesia or pain medication is not necessary. Ultrasound technology is used to ensure precise injection while numbing medication facilitates minimal discomfort.
Low Risk Is Involved
Your body cells are the healing agents to your injury in regenerative medicine. For stem cell therapy, bone marrow or body fat cells are usually taken and concentrated at the injury site. In PRP therapy, separation of platelets from the blood happens, followed by mixing the platelets with your plasma.
Functionality Is Increased
Regenerative medicine stimulates collagen production in your body, thus strengthening your tendons and tissues. When tendons that surround the joints are strengthened, you can move freely and resume your everyday tasks. The collagen also tightens tendons located in the joints and therefore minimizes risks of future pain and injuries.
If you are experiencing chronic pain following conventional treatment options, it’s time to embrace regenerative medicine. While conventional treatment options may make your pain manageable or subdue inflammation, they cannot level up to regenerative medicine, which repairs your damaged tissues and enables your body to attain a naturally pain-free state. Rather than becoming addicted to pain-relief medication, regenerative medicine allows you to devise a high-quality life of your own making.