The small details count, and that’s why your carrier bags should be designed to reach their maximum potential. Once your customer has made a purchase, they will be carrying your branded paper bag around the local area, so make the most of the opportunity to catch the attention of passers by so they know you are located nearby!
Whether you sell luxury clothing pieces, delicious takeaway food or quirky homeware, create custom paper bags that your customers will love. As well as looking great, their reusable and recyclable properties are a great step in the right direction for the planet, showing your commitment to the planet and encouraging shoppers to live more sustainably. When it comes to designing the perfect custom paper bags for your business, we have pulled together some of our top tips to help you get the most from both a design and functionality perspective.
1. Quality where it matters
Depending on the products you are selling, ensuring your paper bags are fit for purpose is vital. Manufacturers sell paper bags in varying thicknesses which are designed to withstand different weights, suiting the nature of your business so you don’t have to worry about your customers’ purchases not making it home! For examples such as clothing retailers or event goodie bags filled with promotional materials and little treats, a more lightweight paper bag is perfectly fine since it will not be expected to carry much weight. However, if your customer is likely to need a more heavy duty option, investing into thicker materials with reinforced handles will prevent the risk of the handle snapping when they are out and about, damaging the products within.
2. Getting the most from a blank canvas
Paper bags have a premium appearance which can be used to your advantage, with their flat sides offering a clean slate for you to decorate as you please. Whether you go for a minimalistic, sleek approach of a white paper bag with a simple logo and brand name or make use of the full space by printing an eye-catching artwork or message, use the opportunity to portray your well-loved brand image. To use your paper bags as a promotional tool, we recommend including your social media handles, contact information and any campaign messaging to really get your name out there.
3. Adding those final touches
The opportunities are vast with custom paper bags, allowing you to let your creativity run wild. For a more premium finish, a varnish can be added to create a matt or glossy finish that stands out from the rest. To take the high end finish one step further, rope handles create a great aesthetic as well as additional strength, often a desirable choice for consumers to keep and reuse. If you stick to the standard paper bags for a low cost and practical approach, paper handles are available in either flat or twisted formats, depending on style preferences and the weight that the bags need to hold.