If you are a marketer, you must know the importance of advertising and have relied on it for a long time. But now, if you are a user of social media, you will find that more and more brands are starting to run social media, not only the new platform Tik Tok, but also the old powerful platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, they all are battlegrounds. Then when did social media become an important part of marketing strategy?
What social media offered when they started to be used as a marketing tool was a global audience. But now with the continuous improvement of Big Data, social media can not only reach users, but also accurately locate the target group that brands need. The best representative is Facebook Ads.
Advertising on Facebook can be very effective if done right. With good campaign planning, you can get impressive results with less investment than in other media. However, taking advantage of Facebook Ads is not easy. Among other things, it is necessary to establish clear objectives, get to know your audience, make them know you and have interest in your products or services.
Today we are going to see 10 ways to improve the result of your Facebook Ads.
1. Define Your Goals
All digital marketing strategies must start from this point. Being clear about the objectives you want to achieve with Facebook Ads is essential to create the ideal campaign, measurable objectives will help you analyze whether the results are as expected.
With Facebook Ads it is very easy to establish the objectives of a campaign. The platform itself asks you what you want to achieve: Awareness, Consideration or Conversion. So it’s important to think about and decide your goals before you get started, this is the first step of a Facebook Ad campaign.
2. Use the Facebook Pixel
The Facebook pixel is a code used to track your Ad campaigns. Once the code has been inserted into your website, you will be able to know, among other things, how many users have visited your website via the ad, how many have completed the registration process, how many have bought your products or services, and most importantly, what is the cost of each user – conversion. Then you can adjust the ad campaign parameters based on the results, which can be carried out every day.
3. Stop Caring about Everyone
In the Facebook Ads, trying to blindly increase the number of fans at all cost is one of the most common mistakes. What you really have to pursue is to reach your targeted audience, those who might be interested in your products or services.
The most important point of Facebook Ads is to be able to do accurately target consumer group positioning, such as region, gender, age, preference, etc. Only those target groups are valuable fans.
4. Create A Group of Ads for Each Segmentation
Continuing with the previous point, creating an ad group aimed at people with very different interests is a mistake too, because you have no way of knowing which type of people is the most valuable target group.
Ideally, create an ad group for a single interest and see which group performs best. Just remember, constant trials are the only way to success.
5. Segment by Devices
Another way to optimize your Facebook Ads is to create two ad groups, one for users using computers and another for those using mobile devices. You know, for different screen sizes, the texts, images and calls to action need to be different too.
In addition, this way you will be able to know if your audience reaches your products or services from mobile devices or from computers, then you can adjust the advertising investment on different devices.
6. Create “Call to Action”
There is a default call-to-action button in Facebook Ads, you can change it to better suit the type of products or services you offer. The default button is usually “More information”, but according to experience, this “call to action” does not work best in all cases, sometimes you may find it better to use the button “Buy now”, for example.
A high-enough call-to-action will help you get more clicks on your ad, and the higher the number of clicks, the higher the conversion rate.
7. Do A / B Tests
A / B test is a great way to improve your Facebook Ads campaigns. Using it is very simple, you just need to create two versions of your ad with just a small difference and see which one offers a better result.
But remember to only make one change at a time, otherwise, you will not know what it is that has influenced the behavior of the users.
8. Take Advantage of Remarketing
If you use the Facebook pixel, you have the ability to create a segmented list with users who have already visited your websites and refocus your ads on them again. It is always easier to convert someone who already knows your products or services into a customer than to make a new customer who knows nothing about you.
9. Optimize Your Budget
Even if your budget is limited, you can get a great deal out of it if you distribute it properly. Facebook Ads offer you the ability to work with very low daily budgets, this system is very useful especially when you start your first campaign.
Start with a low budget and see how your ad works, then adjust the budgets of different campaigns according to the results of the ads to maximize the effectiveness of your ads. Really smart ad advertisers will never put eggs in only one basket.
10. Good Ad Content
People always say that an image is worth a thousand words. Daily users are impacted by hundreds of ads, a potential customer staying in your Facebook ad for a few seconds is the only chance of your brand. So it’s very important to make a full-information and creative ad picture. Then the tool Canva needs to be recommended, which is an amazing tool for creating images and animated GIFs.
However, right now, video ad content is more popular and effective, because a good video can deliver more content, consumers can not only see the product or service in real situations and feel the spirit of the brand, but also can be affected by emotions through the storyline. Of course, more effective content usually has to pay more to achieve, you need to have stunning ideas, learn how to shoot video materials and how to edit them.
But if you have limited funds and still want to do video ads, modern technology does provide a lot of solutions, especially video editing tools, right now with only a mobile phone, you can make high-quality video content. For example, FilmoraGo, a full-featured but easy-to use video editor, it offers all basic video editing features, like trim (split, cut, copy, reserve, etc.), add text and music, PIP, add stickers, transitions, effects and filters. What’s more, in its iOS version FilmoraGo for iPhone, there are some special features, called AR Camera and Double Take.
– AR Camera: there are all kinds of face props and you can also do facial beautification with this feature.
– Double Take: you can use the front and rear cameras to shoot video materiald, then the audience can get a dual view in a video.
So if you are an iPhone user, it’s strongly recommended that you can use this video editor for iPhone FilmoraGo.
The optimization of Facebook ads is a long process that requires constant trials and adjustments. This is a process that requires patience and persistence. Hope everyone who has read this article can learn some experience from it and make use of it.
Thanks a lot for reading!