If you are a rockstar at the art of makeup, you know about the importance of layers, how a good foundation is a key to the final product and how every little process is essential on its own to create a finished look. Business is not so different; they require previous work, attention to detail, and an excellent public face.
Take advantage of your talent and start making real money out of it. Leave behind the once upon a month job to have constant appointments and a solid company. A working capital loan can help you get started with the initial inversion, but in the meantime, learn the basics to get you up and running.
You would be amazed to learn how much the makeup industry is on the rise these days, even when face-to-face meetings are not common. After all, zoom meetings are on the rise, and no one wants to look like they just woke up on camera.
Build your foundation
This will be the key to your success because it will give you a structure for your business. So let’s get started.
Choose a segment
From treatments to stage makeup, classes, and product distribution, there is an immense world surrounding the makeup industry. Your job is to choose the one that you love the most, the one that you are good at, and explore the market, price range, type of offers, and even revenue, so you can focus your efforts on that particular segment.
Build your portfolio
No one will believe how good you are unless you show them and, since you don’t want to be giving away your hard work, start with 10 or 20 pictures of your work. Use old photos or ask a friend to model for you. Be mindful that you’ll need really good photographs and lighting equipment to make your work pop. Use a black background and diffused light to have wonderful results.
Create and expand your client base
Start with who you know to offer your services. Make sure that everyone knows how to reach you and what you can do for them. After that, ask them for three referrals that could be interested in your work. It doesn’t matter if they buy what you sell on the spot, but you are already in their minds. Those referrals will give you more contacts, so keep a database of your possible clients and now and then, remind them that you are there when needed.
Get online
People make decisions on the internet all the time now, so take advantage of the great digital era and get a web page design as a showcase of your work, with contact forms that help you generate leads for future consumers. Social media will be key, especially Instagram, where you can upload photos of your work, stories about the process and altogether have fun with it. Just remember to ask permission to make public the pictures of other people.
Get a sponsor or a deal with a brand.
This will help you get really good products at a more accessible price, and you can even have a side job as a reseller or spokesperson for the brand. It’s all about what you want and is willing to do. If you don’t know how to do it, just ask the brands, and they can give you all the answers. This is why a working capital loan is a good idea to consider.
Hire staff
You are not the best at everything, that is a simple fact, but you probably know someone better than you at certain things. Hire them so you can start managing a more proper business, with a wider value offer and, in so, more clients. Work on a commission model or as partners. You’ll know what’s best.
All of these steps are your road to building a business plan that can set the pace and goals you want to achieve. Independence and a way to work in what you love, it doesn’t get better than that