Getting a decent dose of vitamins in Vietnam is possible without much financial cost.
Sun, air, water, abundance of fruits and seafood are the natural benefits of this Southeast Asian paradise.
But if the effects of these natural resources on your body want to take home with you, the experts at Sixmd.com come to the rescue. They know exactly which vitamins and supplements are the best and most popular in Vietnam.
Balms and ointments are the first most popular in Vietnam and beyond
Usually, these remedies are named after the active ingredient. But in Vietnamese medicine cabinet there are some that do not follow this rule.
Vietnamese Balm & Ointment deserve the fourth step by right and popularity:
White Tiger Balm.
Menthol and essential oils (peppermint, camphor, cinnamon, clove, sandalwood) with auxiliary additives warm and anesthetize muscles and joints. This preparation relieves and treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Red Tiger Balm.
The composition is almost identical to its snow-white “brother,” with the addition of cajuput oil. Treats colds, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, sprains and joint pain.
Cobratoxan ointment.
Cobratoxan is an ointment based on snake venom with the addition of menthol and salicylic acid ester. Cobratoxan ointment has a warming effect and due to the direct effect of the venom it reduces and gradually negates pain in formulations from arthritis, myositis, acute neuralgia.
This is a miracle drug from Vietnam, whose medical folk traditions have been verified by the ages.
Bach Xa Balm.
Indications for the use of Bach Xa is a very good treatment for arthritis, arthritis and osteoarthritis. Bach Nam Duoc company is good for back pain, limb pain, neck pain, shoulder joint pain, radiculitis, spine pain. It can also be used by people with tendon injuries, bruises and muscle pain. Con Xoa Bop natural spray is also an excellent aid in the treatment of arthritis.
Intended for use no more than 2-3 times during the day. The skin should be cleaned before applying the product. Then the Bach Xa cream is distributed over the entire surface of the painful area in a layer no thicker than 0.1 mm and rubbed with gentle macroscopic movements for 1-2 minutes to maximize the positive effect.
Najatox ointment with cobra venom
The therapeutic power of cobra venom should not be underestimated. The use of Najatox venom-based ointment has a pronounced effect in the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis, neuralgia, ilepsy and sciatica. Najatox analgesic ointment with a complex effect is an effective remedy based on a well-known Vietnamese Balm medicine recipe. The use of Nayatox ointment based on cobra venom from Sixmd online store will help to quickly relieve pain caused by skeletal and musculoskeletal disorders.
Najatox is worth buying for the treatment of: Myalgia: muscle soreness characterized by hypertension; arthritis: joint inflammation; sciatica: sciatic nerve pathology; radiculopathy: lesion of spinal cord roots; osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis; strains, various injuries and contusions.
Geliga Muscular Balm
Geliga Muscular Balm is a balm that reduces pain and other manifestations of inflammation in the soft tissues of the back, lower back and joints thanks to the meethylcalicylates and meintol. It is used in the treatment of muscle diseases, age-related diseases, acute inflammations, muscle cramps, traumas. In sports it can be used as a warming agent.
Buy Muscular Balm and use it for pain: In muscles (with fibrositis, inflammation of muscle tissue, fatigue as a result of physical activity, muscle cramps); in the back (both in the spine and surrounding tissues, including radiculitis, lumbodynia); with movements in the joints resulting from torture and age-related damage. Muscular Balm is also useful for sprains and dislocations. Thanks to the fact that, unlike Cobratoxan ointment, this balm does not contain any poison, you can use it to warm up any muscle groups.