
What is Causing Your Back Pain and What Can You Do About It?

If you have back pain then one of the first things you need to do is try and find out what is causing it. Some of the major causes may be muscle strain, disk damage or even various health conditions. It may be that you struggle with scoliosis or even osteoporosis. At the end of the day, back pain can also result from injury or physical activity, not to mention that it can impact people of all ages for numerous reasons. If you want to do something about your back pain then this is the guide for you.

Causes of Back Pain

The back is a very complex structure. It contains a lot of tendons, bones, ligaments and muscles. All of these work with each other to support movement for the body. The segments in the spine have cushions as well that help to add padding. If you have an issue with any of these components then you may find that you end up experiencing back pain.  You may have a damaged disc or you may have strained your back. Some activities that lead to spasms and strains include you lifting something heavier than you should have done or making an abrupt or awkward movement. Make sure you book in at one of the MyEvolveChiropractor clinics close to where you are located, if you believe that you have any kind of back injury.

What Back Pain Do You Have?

If you have back pain then you first need to look at what pain you have and what you think could be causing it. If you have a ruptured disk then this could be causing major issues for you. If your disk ruptures then this will put more pressure on the nerve and this will result in you experiencing more back pain overall. Bulging disks are also a concern. If you have a bulging disk then this can put pressure on your nerves, leading to back pain.


Sciatica is a sharp and shooting pain that goes through your buttock and then down the back of your leg. It often occurs when you have a herniated disk that pushes on a nerve. It also can be caused when you have a muscle that pushes on your sciatic nerve. If you are not sure if you have this condition then it is very wise for you to go and see a professional because if you don’t then you may find that you end up experiencing issues later down the line.


Osteoarthritis can cause issues within your joints as well as in your lower back and various other areas of your body. In some instances, the space around your spinal cord shortens, or narrows. If you have this condition then you probably have what is called stenosis. You may also have unusual curvature of the spine. If you have a spine that curves in an unusual way then this can lead to back pain. This would be scoliosis. If you do have this condition then you need to talk with your chiropractor to see if they can give you support when it comes to your back pain.

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